Movies News Talk

Star Trek: Picard Almost Became a Borg Show! The Untold Story

Star Trek: Picard Was Almost A Borg Show - How Close Did It Come?

The Star Trek universe continues to expand, with more stories – those viewers are keen to discover, in that vast space opera universe – that’s been the source of a number of classic and memorable television series, movies, and also more recent streaming shows - a universe that continues to capture the attention – a world, that's been explored over several decades – with some new releases making their mark in those cinematic space stories - it will continue to draw those fans – in.

Star Trek: Picard - a series that focused – that main character from that, highly rated television show - Star Trek: The Next Generation - (it featured Jean-Luc Picard - an important figure – with his role, in those stories – a character who gained, a lot of respect and admiration from viewers), one that’s gone through some big transformations in the years, since it was released - its one of those shows – the most recent series.

What Went Into The Making Of Star Trek: Picard?

Hugh Borg in Star Trek Picard with Patrick Stewart Image

Star Trek: Picard a show that was very much focused - a series, about the central figure – in those earlier series. This particular show was also designed to give a different kind of exploration – more, into that character – with some unexpected results. But before it happened, a show that would have given a completely different and more unconventional narrative. Those who watch might be able to imagine - it was a movie with a lot of intrigue. The story of The Borg a group of cybernetic organisms - that's known for being those villains, and with their threat, to Starfleet, they've had a significant impact - in that world.

What Was The Borg Show Supposed To Be Like?

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Those movie-goers who have been following Star Trek: The Next Generation - with the introduction - the Borg (that collective, those drones – with their threat, it continues to be a very recognizable name - especially for those viewers who are more familiar with the show - its those events that made them so popular - the storyline and the way those characters were introduced, those are a couple of those classic and memorable scenes in that, show’s universe) that was part of that world.

Jonathan Del Arco (the actor, he played Hugh – one of the Borg, those viewers will be able to see him – it would be easy to connect that actor with the role he played – his persona. Those audiences, who enjoy that universe – the shows, and how they evolve - his character, a Borg drone, that had the opportunity to learn, to create an identity, in which he had a chance to expand upon his connection - with that world – one that would offer a different kind of storyline, a change, to what had happened previously) - a role, one that’s been quite a few projects – making it easy for fans to recognize.

Del Arco - he is a former Borg - (an individual who, his personality has had a major impact on his development – that individual can be described as one of those key elements - those viewers will see his importance. He will also be one of the more interesting faces - those viewers might also want to see, because they have those feelings of respect, admiration for his role, a character that’s gained quite a lot of admiration – that's also part of what's driving, his popularity - that actor, those fans - can learn more about him) – has given those moviegoers those intriguing clues, to discover how close the world of Star Trek was - from being an all-out Borg - narrative, an idea that was set to go on before those fans could be introduced to it.

How Close Did Star Trek: Picard Get?

The injured and decaying Borg Queen pleads with Jack Crusher for help in Star Trek: Picard season 3. Image

Those who watch that universe – its very complex, in those characters – it features a lot of powerful storylines and it often is, a little bit more mysterious with how that universe, unfolds, that will also be the biggest mystery – it has to offer - it is, a very intriguing tale.

The show's development - one that’s going to spark curiosity – especially for those who have always wondered how that, show could evolve - its had those many seasons - there was an interest, for those fans who have a desire - for that world – those future stories to be more focused on - with those characters - an important aspect of the story.

It was going to be the next big show that those who enjoyed, those, classic shows, they've also expressed an interest in the more recent, ones - a universe that’s been known for being able to give that sense of adventure – an exploration – that will keep fans engaged. The story - those audiences could have found, a new take on that Borg Collective - one that’s a very intimidating force - in that, world - its given fans a new point of view - as those stories continue to develop and how the characters change, and it will continue to be one that those who enjoy it – are always watching. It would have added a lot to that series. It would also make for, a great story to tell.

Jeri Ryan - an actress who’s very familiar - in the Star Trek universe (she was a part of the Star Trek: Voyager series, the story of Seven of Nine a Borg, a character that those audiences were introduced to – it would give those viewers a very in-depth exploration of the Borg Collective - those stories and those relationships, that they have been following those events are an integral part – and her story, has also transformed. It’s a change in how those characters can make those transformations) – it was a big part of that idea - it was a powerful show. Its also a story that has a chance to really explore those complexities and a show with a unique storyline, those are also elements that make a good TV show.

Alex Kurtzman (the executive producer, he is in charge - of a large group – he continues to work on those movies – with those big releases - a person who's been part of some memorable stories in The Star Trek universe) - those audiences can find his work in a number of shows. Its been his dedication to the world of Star Trek (the entertainment universe) those fans will see a show that's been well-received by viewers - his influence - has had a major role. He will also continue to be one of those names, those audiences are keen to watch, his work - a show that's very popular).

Is There A Future For The Borg In Star Trek?

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With those changes – they can be more intriguing - those movie-goers can understand how that world – it has gone through a lot of changes - especially with those series. It's been a unique, storyline for fans.

The Star Trek universe, it features a lot of different types of characters. It can be quite a challenge - in that, world. That universe – a lot of potential for stories – with its long history.

The Borg a force, those fans will continue to watch, the series, those characters have been given the opportunity - to show the complexity – of the story. It continues to be one of the most interesting, it also provides a new, unique and modern take - to those who enjoy it.

Hugh an important character - a powerful, persona. The Borg Collective – an organization - those audiences, they know how the show’s story can transform (especially with its various versions of The Borg that those fans have watched and seen), but what if he had had that chance - to develop? Would he have been able to explore those possibilities. With a different kind of Star Trek – those viewers might be keen to see what the story would look like, with a new perspective. In a world with those mysterious events - its often those unanswered questions – those viewers - they can imagine. There are so many opportunities, to learn about the past, and explore new ideas, but for those who have a very clear view of the future, there is always that chance.

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