Can South Park Season 27 Save its Weirdest Parody?

While South Park season 27 has exciting potential, some viewers are puzzled by how it might handle its latest controversy!

Who is Mr. Garrison in South Park?

Mr. Garrison is a beloved (and highly irreverent) character on the long-running series, but the last four seasons have given him a perplexing twist! He serves as the Mr. Garrison Trump stand-in for Donald Trump, but now, there is a big debate on the impact of Garrison Trump, and how it reflects the Trump presidency. The creators even admitted they were surprised when Trump was elected, leading to this rather unexpected turn.

Should the Creators Reimagine Garrison?

It seems many are asking whether they should rethink this whole parody. After all, Mr. Garrison Trump imitation seems less compelling after Trump real-life time in office. Now that he's campaigning, this parody, might even feel tired! Will the creators even make a Mr. Garrison version of Trump return? Or, should they make Mr. Garrison return to his old self?

Did the Creators Overdo Garrison's Trump Role?

It appears that Mr. Garrison went full Trump, almost a caricature, so Mr. Garrison Trump parody was initially very compelling, but it doesn't quite fit with his original personality. There were moments where some wondered if the show was taking Trump actions, and making them even worse, or just adding a little more parody to Trump real-life politician! Now it looks like fans, and even the creators, are struggling with how this works.

Could The Creators Create a New Character For the 2024 Election?

If they didn't think to portray Trump campaign via Mr. Garrison during the 2016 elections, is a new character for the 2024 election on the horizon? This might help make South Park satire stronger in a new South Park season 27, but it also would have implications, especially when thinking of a character like Trump nominee!

When is the Release Date For South Park Season 27?

It seems like South Park will have to handle this! They may try to ignore it entirely or lean into it, but be prepared, South Park season 27 is scheduled to return to television soon. There hasn't been an official DC Comics release date just yet, but keep your eyes peeled for announcements!

Is South Park Known for its Serialized Stories?

This season of South Park will face some tough questions on how it approaches politics, and it may end up impacting their usual format. South Park episodes often tell separate, shorter, independent stories but has tried to include some larger South Park serialized outings with mixed results. However, with their usual focus on satire, expect a great season!