Who is the Seasmoke new rider?

Addam Velaryon, sometimes known "The Crabfeeder," is the new Seasmoke in House of the Dragon season 2 rider. Being the son of Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys Targaryen, Addam is Velaryon with Targaryen blood.

Why should Addam ride Seasmoke?

There are two main reasons Addam riding Seasmoke is important. First of all, it disfits the conventional wisdom that only Targaryens can ride dragons. The Targaryen family itself, probably trying to improve their reputation and authority, helped to propagate this belief. Second, it raises questions about the Targaryens' claimed level of knowledge on dragonriding. Though he bonds with Seasmoke, Addam's background does not include Dragonlords of Old Valyria.

For the Targariesens, what does Addam riding Seasmoke mean?

Riding Seasmoke, Addam challenges the Targaryens' authority and might. It implies that their claim to be unique dragonriders is faulty, so compromising their control over the dragons and maybe their whole impact in Westeros. This could have major consequences for the continuous Dance of the Dragons since other houses might also try to connect with dragons and question Targaryen rule.

Is Addam Targaryen?

Addam is mainly regarded as a Velaryon even though Targaryen blood is passing through his mother Rhaenys Targaryen. Known as Addam Velaryon, his family line runs the Velaryon one. Though he does not have direct lineage, his Targaryen background does help explain why he can ride Seasmoke—it suggests a link to the ancient dragonlords.

Has anyone else than Targaryens ridden dragons before?

Nobody else than Targaryens riding dragons in Westeros is clearly documented historically. But in a discussion with his son, Jacaerys Velaryon pointed out that the assertion of Targaryens being the only ones able to ride dragons was probably an exaggeration meant to honor their own line of descent. Addam riding Seasmoke verifies that dragonriding is not just a Targaryen ability, so supporting this claim.

What effects this has for the Dance of the Dragons?

The Dance of the Dragons may be much changed by this evolution. Other homes could be motivated to search for their own dragon riders, so subverting the Targaryens' authority over the dragons, by a non-Targaryens rider like Addam. As several groups fight for control over the strong creatures, this might result in a more intricate and erratic conflict. This might also lead to fresh alliances and rivalries, so intensifying the war.