Movies News Talk

Scrubs Revival: Will Season 10 Fix the JD/Elliot Plot Hole?

Scrubs Revival: That Weird JD and Elliot plot hole That Needs Fixing!

Scrubs Season 10: Can the Revival Fix a Season 8 Plot Hole?

Scrubs is (hopefully!) coming back for season 10! The show needs to honor the past while moving forward. But there's a seriously weird inconsistency concerning JD (Zach Braff) and Elliot (Sarah Chalke) in season 8 that needs addressing.

We know there have been those revival updates – hinting at a possible release date for the next installment in this legendary medical comedy-drama series – the sheer amount of interest regarding the main cast, those long-lasting friendships, and general interest in new storylines could indicate an inevitable release at some point in the near future, given the recent discussions concerning this highly successful franchise. But season 8 created some really tricky situations to unpack! There is a notable storyline development around JD and Elliot which needs revisiting! While that iconic couple was only the will-they-won't-they thing for the first eight seasons, they got happily married and expected a baby during that very successful, fan-beloved Med School seasons. Those events will necessarily inform how future romantic aspects will progress.

Also Read: Scrubs' JD & Elliot: The Ultimate Will-They-Won't-They Sitcom Romance

The Big Question: Why Did Elliot Stay at Sacred Heart After JD Left?

Custom Scrubs image of Sarah Chalke as Elliot Reid and Michael Weston as Private Dancer Image

Season 8 slowly leads to JD’s departure from Sacred Heart. He moves closer to his son’s mother in "My Finale", an intensely emotional send-off. His move necessitated the move to leave Sacred Heart completely! His extremely lengthy commute makes staying at that same location utterly impossible; and is the entire rationale for JD's departure in that highly celebrated arc.

And this is when things get super weird! Elliot stays.  The show’s logic completely fails in that instance, especially during season 8’s conclusion; demonstrating a huge oversight!  The following Med School episodes show JD and Elliot living together nearer Kim. This implied Elliot was travelling to Sacred Heart daily which, under the established conditions concerning JD's lengthy commutes— makes absolutely zero sense. Unless JD didn’t actually move that far, thus creating another equally illogical explanation.

Also Read: Scrubs Revival MUST Include Elizabeth Banks as Kim Briggs!

Why Elliot Didn't Leave With JD: A Deliberate Creative Decision

Zach Braff as JD kissing Sarah Chalke as Elliot Reid in Scrubs Image

The sheer genius behind Scrubs lies in its incredible ensemble cast; showcasing just how important each character is – even creating incredibly successful series plots for smaller side characters and some surprisingly intense character developments! But Zach Braff was, undeniably, the show's lead actor. Most storylines involved JD, making him the show’s main character! And in a larger ensemble such as this, where plot decisions frequently and constantly involve smaller plots in the larger scale story – it is obvious just how important  JD's departure was— needing a satisfying conclusion.

It would seem incredibly counter-intuitive to allow both characters, JD and Elliot to have that prominent departure moment, considering just how emotionally impacting such an occasion already is – it was far better and makes sense to showcase this very crucial departure for the main character, while allowing the others a quieter and relatively smaller conclusion to their own personal arc, thus maximizing JD's emotional sendoff!

Also Read: Scrubs Revival: Season 10 - Will It Succeed? | Bill Lawrence's Plan

Scrubs Revival: Ignoring or Fixing the Plot Hole?

Custom Scrubs image of Courtney Cox, Zach Braff, and Ryan Reynolds Image

Season 10 might explain all those confusing details involving the characters JD and Elliot, although given how hard to resolve that seemingly silly error appears— simply ignoring the glaring inconsistency might be simpler and potentially a better course of action. This would’ve otherwise completely undone what had transpired in the last moments of season 8 – potentially ruining an iconic emotional plot moment!

However, if we are discussing a reasonable and logically possible alternative solution— perhaps we might revisit season 8’s narrative at some point in the later parts of season 10, introducing the changes there – rather than simply patching those gaps found here at the time. It also wouldn't undo how emotionally impactful JD's original departure remained – and was indeed, utterly critically lauded!

Also Read: Scrubs Revival: The OG Cast is Back! What You Need to Know

Conclusion: Will Scrubs' Season 10 Embrace or Avoid This Narrative Challenge?

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Season 8 left this very odd, unexpected inconsistency around JD and Elliot. That oversight wasn’t made due to malicious purposes— rather it appears it’s due to a creative decision concerning how that important and immensely dramatic JD departure should actually be handled.

Season 10 however, needs to resolve this plot point!  It might need revisiting season 8's ending – showing the creators have a far greater capability to adapt their own work and demonstrate those abilities to make those necessary narrative adjustments for a better and far more successful later conclusion to that specific storyline.

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