Expanding with a new spinoff series centered on Renée Ballard, a beloved character from Michael Connelly's books, the Bosch brand is Starting with the original Bosch series, which tracked Harry Bosch as he looked at Los Angeles crime investigations, the franchise started in 2014. Though it was canceled in 2021, the seven seasons of the show attracted great praise. But the property was resurrected with Bosch: Legacy, which airs now in third season and debuted in 2022.
Inspired by a cold-case detective from the LAPD, Renée Ballard is the spinoff from Renée Ballard. Maggie Q plays committed Maui investigator Ballard, who oversees the LAPD's underfunded and overworked Cold Case Division. Working alongside a volunteer army, the show will highlight her attempts to maintain the division operational. Serving as producers are Michael Connelly, Michael Alaimo, Kendall Sherwood, and Trish Hofmann.
Celebrated actor John Carroll Lynch, best known for his parts in Zodiac and American Horror Story, has joined the cast as Thomas Laffont, a retired homicide investigator helping Renée with her research. Lynch joins Maggie Q. and Courtney Taylor, who plays Samira Parker, a mystery lady on search of justice.
Confirmed and scheduled to premiere some time in 2025 is the Renée Ballard spinoff. Michael Connelly posted a behind-the-scenes picture from the set on Instagram, so starting production in July 2024.
While the Renée Ballard spinoff's cast is still under development, some important players have been revealed. Maggie Q will be the eponymous character; John Carroll Lynch will accompany her as Thomas Laffont. Courtney Taylor will be Samira Parker.
Although details are yet unknown, Renée Ballard's desire to oversee the LAPD's underfunded Cold Case Division will be crucial in the spinoff. She will team with retired investigator Thomas Laffont, who offers his knowledge. Renée's investigations—which will reveal an unusual conspiracy—will probably take front stage in the show.
Bosch: Legacy carries on the original Bosch series. Returning as Harry Bosch, who partners with Honey Chandler as he advances his profession, is Titus Welliver. Separate but connected, the Renée Ballard spinoff could provide crossovers and links to Bosch: Legacy going forward.