“The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” continues to bring the drama to its long term dedicated viewers. With a focus on the complicated dynamics of the cast the recent season has showcased new opinions as the series remains consistent with new challenges that arise within the relationships of the women.
One ongoing conflict is that between Erika Jayne and Sutton Stracke. Erika states that she believes Sutton tries to "kick a dog when they’re down” . Sutton is also dealing with an on going public divorce from PK Kemsley while having a complicated relationship with Dorit Kemsley as well.
Sutton believes that Dorit is not angry at her as she has claimed and instead at her current life and situation. After this argument Sutton wrote an essay about friendship however it was noted that actions need to show consistency and have to follow words or intent. This specific situation created new boundaries between several cast members of this long lasting series.
Erika believes there are time where Sutton shows her mean side. There is still room for improvement in terms of friendship and she mentions she does enjoy Sutton in her moments of being fun and lighthearted.
The dynamic with these women can be hard as Erika states they are all a little delusional with eccentrities and can also become petty. But throughout the show it allows an area for them to all become "mean to each other". There is not always a clear cut answer in how each personality shifts which keeps the series relevant and compelling.
There has been discussion that some members on the series do not accurately showcase their lives for public viewing. There is also a question of whether it's all as transparent and genuine as portrayed on camera.
Erika was previously noted for a situation where everything about her personal life had to come to the surface and felt if she went through it other people also needed to follow a similar suit. She acknowledges all women have a specific journey but expects those same standards to also be applied to her as they are for others.
Recent developments with Erika have showcased some big transitions in her personal life as well as show changes in how she navigates situations. This all occurs while facing all of her challenges from previous years.
After the divorce she made a move into a smaller house where she also shed furniture to represent moving forward. Her financial circumstances and life after separation have become key aspects in a change of her persona.
Jayne is set to reprise the role of Roxie Hart in Chicago on Broadway. She mentions having gained a new perspective of herself which changes how she may perform the role. This has offered her the chance to experience different artistic levels of expression.
Along with the television show Erika is exploring other media projects including a podcast with former housewife Teddi Mellencamp. "Diamonds in the Rough" provides her a way to talk about her experiences along with commentary on shows as a form of entertainment.
Erika and Teddi step into covering events on other "Housewives" shows allowing an interesting take on the various experiences. Her perspective shows a point of view which has gained an audience who see her previous years and her new approach to media. This also offers her an additional outlet to interact with her fan base in a new form of media delivery.
A prior cast member Kathryn Edwards has had previous interactions with Erika and has acknowledged her growth over time on the show.
The past perception of Erika has been deemed as "overly flaunting" or materialistic however Kathryn mentions her more humbling moments of taking personal accountability has changed the narrative. The vulnerability showcased is different than before making her easier to understand as her story progresses.
Erika has taken great lengths to keep a particular part of her life separate from media for a great number of years including that of her son Tommy Zizzo. However recently a photo was brought back into view to be shown which allows more access to a part of her private life.
Even though Tommy lives his life privately outside of public eye. The public can now gain some access with an old photo showcasing what some call nearly identical traits to his mother which was resurfaced after being seen in previous episode of the Real Housewives series. In the photo, they have shown similar appearances. Tommy works as a police officer and she is also public with acknowledging his life of privacy.