Prison Break, a beloved Prison Break TV Show, is renowned for Prison Break Michael Scofield, a master escape artist who puts his exceptional skills and engineering brilliance to work! While Wentworth Miller's iconic role came to an apparent end, fans were left shocked with the return of Prison Break Michael Scofield in the Prison Break revival series. What really happened?
Throughout the series, fans of Prison Break knew that Michael had an underlying medical condition, though it's been part of the Prison Break story since the start, with Michael Scofield faking his medical condition for one of his daring prison breaks! He battled the effects of a dangerous brain tumor, and viewers knew that a shocking Michael Scofield Death was a real possibility. The TV Movie Finale brought the death that shocked viewers. Prison Break Fans still ask to this day "How did he survive?!"
Prison Break writers found a dramatic and unexpected conclusion for the series' main character in Prison Break Finale movie, leading to an emotionally-charged goodbye for fans! When a Prison Break Revival Series was announced, fans were completely caught off guard!
Fans wondered "How Michael Scofield Survived"! After Prison Break Season 4 wrapped, the TV movie ending seemed final for Prison Break Characters! A huge plot twist unfolds during Prison Break Season 5, when fans find out that the Prison Break finale movie death was just a big conspiracy orchestrated by an unknown entity to draw Michael into their world.
During this major turn, Prison Break characters face off against Prison Break Antagonist! Poseidon is the newest challenge. He coerced Michael to perform a "fake death", and he ends up becoming part of Poseidon's world of dangerous adventures! This made for many more gripping storylines.
Be sure to dive back into the Prison Break series! You can catch every episode from the start, including the Prison Break ending, or relive the entire story arc. Catch the classic Prison Break Season 5 or the initial seasons. Many Prison Break fan love watching episodes for their action and twists.
Keep your eye out for Prison Break updates online or watch videos from Prison Break fans or other Prison Break Theories about future releases. While Wentworth Miller made it clear he's not interested in returning as Michael Scofield, fans can still get updates!