Orphan Black season 5 brought the Clone Club saga to an emotional end in 2017. Orphan Black was a high-concept sci-fi drama that focused on con artist Sarah Manning, who discovers she's part of a group of clones. Someone is trying to kill them all!
The season 5 finale focused on the relationships between the clones. The finale jumps ahead and follows the lives of the clones now they're free of the Dyad Institute. The key scene finds Sarah, Helena, Cosima, and Alison sitting together and talking about their fears for the future and learning from the past.
Sarah’s foster brother Felix hands them a folder with a list of the many Leda clones, who need to be found and cured of the clone disease. It’s also discovered that Helena’s journal is dubbed Orphan Black. The show revealed Helena is also fertile, and the finale saw her give birth to twins while held captive by Dyad and being rescued by Sarah. Sarah is also reminded of the time she gave birth to Kira and has a flashback to the time she considered having an abortion.
Orphan Black may have ended several years ago, but the universe has continued to expand. There are two seasons of an audiobook follow-up available, and in 2024 the spin-off Orphan Black: Echoes debuted in the US.
The Orphan Black audio series is titled Orphan Black: The Next Chapter, and is set eight years after the events of the Orphan Black season 5 finale. Tatiana Maslany returns to voice multiple Project Leda clones, with Sarah, Alison, and Cosima all returning. The Orphan Black audio series also introduces a new central clone, Vivi Valdez. Vivi is a CIA agent who goes rogue when she discovers the truth about her identity.
More recently, the Orphan Black spin-off series titled Orphan Black: Echoes debuted in the US. Orphan Black: Echoes takes place several decades after the events of Orphan Black, picking up 37 years after the season 5 finale. The spin-off show focuses on the adult Kira (Keeley Hawes). The series revolves around Krysten Ritter's Lucy, a young woman with amnesia whom Kira must assist in uncovering the mystery of her life.