“On Call” is a new crime drama series available for streaming . The show follows two police officers working a beat in Long Beach, California that is produced by well known Television executive producer Dick Wolf . The series provides a visceral view into police work, while also exploring relationships.
“On Call” showcases modern police work while using many current forms of technology such as body and dash cam footage. This filming is done on location . There is no use of sets or studios making all the situations seem more raw.
The series structure focuses on a half-hour drama, and draws some elements from early procedural series from the 1950’s and 1960’s which were done using a 30 minute format. This style was designed to match modern viewing habits with more condensed content. The concept of patrol was implemented, from one-off calls to life altering scenarios.
The main characters of this series includes a veteran officer Traci Harmon played by Troian Bellisario. She takes on a new rookie cop named Alex Diaz played by Brandon Larracuente and show's him the ins and outs of police work while hunting down the killer of a fellow officer.
Harmon shows that although she is tough she still remains scrupulously fair when taking charge. Diaz, on the other hand is still new to all things and shows his emotion when dealing with intense issues that he witnesses. A significant focus for the series is the evolving dynamic between these two as they face the everyday duties together.
Other notable character additions are, Lt. Bishop who is played by Lori Loughlin . They use a stern character style showcasing what can be considered an unexpected element for fans familiar with her more “wholesome” characters. Other officers include Koyama and Sgt. Lasman which help enhance the depth of each episode and add to the dynamic that makes "On Call" unique in its delivery.
This new series is Dick Wolf’s first step into producing a scripted show for streaming platforms. Although Wolf’s other television projects share a common universe he also makes note to have this new one stand alone and show it’s uniqueness.
Various influences such as "Southland" and “The Shield” provided a foundation for “On Call” while having it establish a style of its own. Despite having other procedurals, creators sought to create a more visceral type of product.
The style of the series includes multiple types of technology use from police dash cameras, body cams, phone footage and even social media content. Each are strategically used along with hand-held camera work to create an intimate viewer experience for realistic engagement.
These techniques were also put in place for the viewer to experience the same events as the officers involved with their unique perspectives. That approach allows to fully create tension with what happens during the daily life of these police and officers, in a way that many programs do not.
Each episode revolves around various situations with one off calls and an overall investigation on finding a cop killer as the main thread through out the first season. While it incorporates elements of the unknown many themes come into play using real scenarios that could be familiar.
A priority on the development of characters and dynamics as that serves as the core to the whole project. Though the characters may be deemed as predictable in many ways each is given time to showcase layers of emotional growth during every episode. This was a focus to go beyond simple plot lines with action and focus on what drives people, all while never showing them in their personal lives only their on the job character.
All eight episodes were available on Prime Video starting January 9, allowing viewers the chance to have a quick watch through the storyline while experiencing different parts of the officers’ lives. With it’s easy access to viewing for different type of media consumption as well as the 30-minute format all areas of design work together to make it stand out.
The question was raised as to if "On Call" would become part of the shared Dick Wolf Universe which includes “Law & Order” and other NBC shows. That connection was not yet explored with them focusing on establishing themselves first with the style and production style. Future storylines remain unknown but the potential for crossovers remain a possibility.