Movies News Talk

Obi-Wan Kenobi: The Untold Story of the Jedi Who Almost Left

Obi-Wan Kenobi: The Jedi Master Who Almost Walked Away!

Obi-Wan Kenobi: The Model Jedi Who Almost Left the Order

Obi-Wan Kenobi: The name conjures images of that wise, calm Jedi Master, right? He trained Anakin Skywalker, and we think we know everything, that is; until that deeper dive into Star Wars lore showed this almost-perfect Jedi had some serious doubts—even considering leaving the Jedi Order. Why would such an exemplary figure even want that? What pushed such a remarkable Jedi almost over that edge?

This seemingly straightforward and almost-perfect Jedi's unexpected past really throws us for a loop. He trained Anakin after losing his own Master (Qui-Gon Jinn) in The Phantom Menace. He became incredibly close to his apprentice, becoming almost brotherly—this incredible, powerful bond had unforeseen, destructive consequences that the Jedi Council did not anticipate.

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A Forbidden Love: Obi-Wan and Duchess Satine

Obi-Wan Kenobi in The Clone Wars  Image

Star Wars: The Clone Wars opened a new layer, really delving deeply into Obi-Wan’s character and motivations, exploring what kind of person Obi-Wan was before everything changed. The relationship between Obi-Wan and Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore is that new layer, explaining why he even considered abandoning the order. They fell in love years prior, during a mission while Obi-Wan was still a Padawan under Qui-Gon, showcasing another completely different layer; those personal details were hidden.  It's a pivotal part in understanding his overall journey and those decisions impacting Obi-Wan’s choices.

Their feelings never died down; despite the fact that both of these people already established and well-defined their paths, in different directions; and there were some extremely heartfelt exchanges demonstrating both affection and mutual regret; highlighting their mutual respect and a genuine and deep respect for the person on the opposite end.  Obi-Wan considered leaving for Satine; but Satine knew this meant losing Obi-Wan’s entire life; the very meaning to his existence; thus she wisely decided to respect this, ensuring a continued understanding and preservation of their deep and affectionate friendship, while not crossing those impossible lines which would’ve destroyed many aspects inherent in their character designs and respective lives!

Also Read: Obi-Wan Kenobi Season 2: Will the Clone Wars Come to Life?

The Unchosen Path: What If Obi-Wan Left the Jedi Order?

Obi-Wan brandishing his lightsaber while Satine hides in the background in The Clone Wars Image

It’s fun to imagine.  What would’ve happened had Obi-Wan left? This pivotal “what if” question explored the profound impacts and decisions around Obi-Wan and those involved throughout Star Wars. These potential consequences could have greatly altered the galaxy!

  • Anakin's Destiny: Had Qui-Gon found Anakin alone, and died (as canon), perhaps no one else would’ve trained Anakin. The Jedi Council could’ve left him and he might never have become a Jedi; never encountering Padmé; resulting in completely new trajectories surrounding those most critical plotlines surrounding Luke and Leia’s existences.
  • Darth Vader’s Alternate Fate:  Would Anakin still have become Darth Vader?   Palpatine is super manipulative— maybe there was another scheme;  but without Obi-Wan’s guidance, the very light-side of the Force, could possibly result in Anakin remaining within the darker aspects; devoid of the possibility for later redemption. This creates those kinds of massive ‘what ifs’ which explore those impossible trajectories never seen in this continuity and which remains very relevant due to its impact upon many later narrative and lore developments!
  • Obi-Wan’s Political Future: Would he remain a civilian, rule Mandalore alongside Satine? How might the Death Watch’s rise have differed? How might that result change and would that ultimately have meant changing Satine’s fate in this impossible scenario? If Darth Maul doesn't have that chance for revenge against Obi-Wan, then Satine could easily have lived longer, happily, by the side of someone truly loyal to her!

That choice to remain a Jedi; not leaving— affected countless other people’s destinies and shapes everything we’ve known! These hypothetical situations highlight how powerful a seemingly smaller decision could possibly create unexpected changes!

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Conclusion: Obi-Wan's Choice— A Ripple Through Time!

Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan in Obi Wan Kenobi TV show Image

Obi-Wan’s decision never got explored outside the Clone Wars continuity and had many critical consequences! Yet what many consider a simple “right decision”, choosing loyalty over love was the critical element defining his journey and impacted the lives of those around him enormously; resulting in this “what if” becoming something much, much more relevant, even profound than initially seen! His strength of character defined Obi-Wan as someone greater; a man of selflessness. That dedication remains profound; influencing his entire life and that incredible, enduring loyalty impacting countless lives throughout that grand Star Wars saga, creating those powerful emotional connections through the depth of loyalty rarely seen in any fictional media. It impacted Anakin’s fall, and is thus inherently linked toward every moment shown thereafter!

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