Movies News Talk

Obi-Wan Kenobi: The Untold Story of Commander Cody

Obi-Wan Kenobi: The Lost Commander Cody Storyline – A Missed Opportunity!

Obi-Wan Kenobi: What Could Have Been—The Untold Commander Cody Story

The Obi-Wan Kenobi series, while generally well-received, missed a HUGE opportunity. This article delves into the untold story that could have been: an epic cameo from the beloved Commander Cody. It also highlights how incredibly important those kind of choices really impact fans. The decision by the writers is actually important. It might have added amazing depth and emotional weight, further improving this show significantly; it would greatly enhance that already well-received storyline.

Obi-Wan Kenobi did several things really well, including fleshing out Obi-Wan's Tatooine exile years, those major plot gaps within the timeline (like why Leia sought Obi-Wan's aid in A New Hope), and the now infamous showdown between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader. But let’s explore that massive missed chance! That potential Commander Cody storyline.

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Commander Cody's Cut Cameo: A Friendship Betrayed and Rekindled?

Order 66 Jedi Survived Video Image Image

Stuart Beattie, one of the Obi-Wan Kenobi writers, revealed a cut scene featuring Commander Cody!   Imagine this, folks: Cody ambushing Obi-Wan in an alleyway; nearly killing him! It's intense!

But it was supposed to have deeper meanings, going far beyond that surface level confrontation!    The original plan revealed Cody wasn’t trying to murder Obi-Wan. He sought to warn him—revealing a major character shift for Cody; that he actually removed that notorious Order 66 inhibitor chip, and thus would no longer be blindly compelled to attack the Jedi Order!

He’d become Obi-Wan’s unlikely secret ally–totally protecting him! It would’ve shown a powerful bond, demonstrating just how capable that relationship could actually be after that immensely devastating moment previously explored in Revenge of the Sith which showed Cody immediately attacking Obi-Wan despite earlier friendly exchanges that clearly emphasized just how deep this unexpected alliance had really gone.

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Why This Storyline Was Absolutely Essential

Obi-Wan looks serious as he realizes Quinlan Vos survived Order 66 in Obi-Wan Kenobi. Image

Adding Cody would've been amazing—and hugely satisfying for fans craving a Commander Cody return.   But this had bigger benefits. This choice completely capitalizes on that unresolved emotional dynamic and unresolved connections explored in Revenge of the Sith. The sheer impact alone makes that ending for their last scene far more impactful than its seemingly short encounter, revealing the emotional weight surrounding these types of bonds.

It's also a clever approach for directly linking the series to previous plots!   Obi-Wan Kenobi connects to the prequels—a sequel! Yet criticisms existed; complaints surfaced over this storyline having a too loose focus on Obi-Wan.  Cody's storyline would fix that!   That alliance perfectly extends this Obi-Wan story through another crucial relationship; enhancing its ties to Revenge of the Sith and The Clone Wars!

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Obi-Wan's Desperation: The Need for Friendship


Adding Cody on Tatooine would provide support which was completely missing in Obi-Wan Kenobi.   Remember the earlier parts of Obi-Wan Kenobi show this iconic character totally destroyed: Anakin's perceived death, immense guilt—this weighs on Obi-Wan.  He’s distanced himself from the Force; lost hope almost entirely.

 Cody's presence?  It’s immense emotional value—that friendship could've delivered much-needed support!   The possibility that this storyline involving that mutual protection element (Cody acting as an unlikely guardian) alone made it entirely perfect. This addition could have resulted in far deeper interactions; emotional connections which provide the needed development for Obi-Wan's growth; as well as for a vastly improved storyline that would completely alter viewers’ emotional experience by the ending, delivering something truly exceptional.

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Conclusion: A What-If Scenario that Hurts

Disney Plus Image

Cutting Commander Cody from Obi-Wan Kenobi is such a huge missed opportunity for that entire series and storyline development which would make it incredibly superior for all involved! That cut storyline could have enhanced the main arc's emotional resonance, expanding its relationship to The Clone Wars, strengthening ties to the prequel movies. Even deeper insights regarding Obi-Wan's personal development and added dramatic impact which only something like a revived friendship—yet this unexpected alliance is still something deeply unresolved. Fans can’t help but wonder: What could have been?

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