"Nobody Wants This," a romantic comedy series on Netflix, has become very popular among viewers. This story focuses on two unlikely lovers and how their personalities and differences test the new relationship. As popularity grows more attention is drawn to not only the plot but the stars behind the series as well.
Series' Plot and Premise
"Nobody Wants This" follows an unlikely romantic journey between an agnostic sex podcaster named Joanne (Kristen Bell) and a newly single rabbi, Noah ( Adam Brody ). The series asks is whether their very different lives and meddling family members are an undoing factor in the pair's budding relationship. This mix of cultures makes their new relationship both complicated and also relatable.
Red Carpet Moments at the Golden Globes
Adam Brody who is one of the leads was nominated at the Golden Globes and was interviewed on the red carpet along with his wife Leighton Meester. This created some interesting dynamics with one notable part where he had to gracefully shift questions to a more appropriate space.
Meester's Response to Kissing Scene
In a red carpet moment Meester’s perspective of her husband's on screen kissing scene was directly asked about. To show off her grace, instead of seeming bothered by the question, she responded jokingly by saying "I don't mind. It's okay, I like it. How do I feel about the kiss? I think it's great.".
Brody's Smooth Reply
Brody took over after that and stated that he had been taught all his techniques by Meester herself. His clever response stated that the best is always with her in response to those that ask that question showing their loving connection on a public space. This highlights how they also interact within their private moments as well with a humorous yet touching display.
Adam Brody: A Lead and A Supportive Partner
During the night of the Golden Globes, Brody had a notable moment which put him more prominently in view for how supportive he was with his wife. As it was primarily his big moment with his nomination, Meester moved off to the side as to give him time. Brody gestured for her to be with him, giving an image that was noted for how affectionate he was. This action demonstrated that family was above fame.
On Screen and Off Screen Chemistry
Brody showed appreciation for Meester for how they both show up during this series and is not limited just to when acting on a stage. By recognizing and showing the value he places on her. His understanding of her and having their love documented also showcase great support in all aspects of the performance.
The Success of the Show
After airing for only two weeks “Nobody Wants This” was green lit for another season on Netflix in October 2024. The storyline for this show has already struck a cord with it’s unique spin on a rom-com showing its creative value . This makes it something viewers connect with quickly and keeps their interest while they wait for more.
Influence of Creators Personal Stories
The show is losely based off the experiences of its creator which means there is an element of real feeling in all the events depicted. Her personal take has added another dimension to why the plot was put together in this format, making this even more heartfelt and engaging.
Viewers Reactions to the Show
Both viewers and critics agree that the show is highly entertaining for many different reasons. In addition they noted and admired how the series showed character interactions within many dimensions. Many praised and looked forward to more to see from all. There was also many comments from those that follow all social platforms noting unique things they enjoyed about the series and cast as the story continued to grow in numbers.
Husbands Viewpoint of the Relationship on the Series
the husband of Bell did offer an honest review with high praise by saying her onscreen kiss is one of the best seen on screen to date while also noting that her home life with him was never like that. Bell added how her husband liked her on screen romance as it allowed for her unique skills to shine as an actress in a creative space.
Fashion Elements From Red Carpet Appearances
The couple showed up to the Golden Globes in fashionable attire that paired with each other giving off a classy representation of themselves as a whole. With one opting for a green suit and another a neon styled dress. This choice of dress style also highlights what type of people they are outside the entertainment lens by still standing out yet allowing both of them to share their light with each other and everyone else.
A Color Pallet that Compliments All
With a forest green suit and an elegant neon lime green dress the color palate was interesting. By working together on this choice it also created attention to the type of love and connection the two shared off set.
Key Takeaways
- "Nobody Wants This" is a romantic comedy on Netflix with a central conflict of differing lifestyles testing a relationship.
- Leighton Meester and Adam Brody shared special interactions together on the Golden Globe's red carpet.
- The on screen kiss between Adam Brody and Kristen Bell went viral from this series.
- The series blends elements of rom-com styles with new approaches based on the creators true story and was quick to be renewed for a season 2.
- The couples red carpet moment demonstrates high levels of respect and love they share, which translates in to the chemistry they show in the program as well.