In the world of Anime, there are times when shows have episodes that expand on their lore - often referred to as Anime Filler and those episodes are considered to be "Naruto Filler" in this case, as they often do not appear within Naruto Canon.
It often happens when an anime series has progressed to its latest installment, while the manga has a new set of chapters available, creating a challenge in pacing and also with the continuity of how these stories appear to viewers. Naruto often made use of filler content to fill that space, especially during Naruto Part 1 where it made up almost 41% of its production. As those fans are made to discover those events across Naruto Episodes, these fillers are often regarded as a unique part of the Naruto Watch Order, which some enjoy while others seek to skip over. It often depends on how the overall storyline takes shape.
As a fan of Naruto - those viewers might have already made a journey across the full run of Naruto Episodes. Some even appreciate those events which include the full set of Naruto Part 1 episodes - which often offer those more intense moments. As well as the production, the more mature and visually exciting set of Naruto Shippuden episodes.
It often leads to a heated Naruto filler debate. This debate centers on how those fans who want to have the most compelling experience might opt to Skip Naruto Episodes that are not canon, whereas some will consider the filler episodes as a chance to further explore a unique narrative - with a focus on those Naruto Filler Characters, Naruto Filler Stories and those more amusing Naruto filler arcs.
If you are new to the world of Naruto, then you may want to go directly into those canon episodes to ensure the fastest and most enjoyable journey. If you're looking for more on which episodes to skip or a more detailed Naruto filler list, there is an abundance of information online - it is not difficult to locate an exact list, often through Google searches, or to browse across websites dedicated to anime fans, where those Naruto filler episodes are given an overview or even a Naruto filler guide which can be extremely valuable for a fan who is seeking more.
Some would recommend skipping Naruto episodes based on how well these events align with the overarching narrative (one that's tied to those canon events and storylines) and some may have additional tips, tricks, or an overall Naruto filler analysis where they could give their reasoning for their opinion on what episodes might be worth watching and which might be more time-consuming.
Even though Naruto Filler does often stray from Naruto canon - as those events are designed to give a different and sometimes unusual take on the overall storyline, this does not mean that all of these episodes are a complete waste of time. In reality, it appears that several episodes have been able to earn a reputation - some would consider them to be some of the best Naruto filler episodes. A number of fans would argue that a few events might be more intriguing than other Naruto Episodes, as it appears to explore a new type of story.
If you are an avid fan and have been through the series more than once - or you have already completed those storylines from the manga then those episodes might provide another dimension. But for those seeking to start a new journey, it is advised to stick with the main storylines. As those in Naruto Part 1, the key characters begin to master those abilities to eventually take the lead in the latter stages of the show, in Naruto Shippuden.
Naruto Filler does not necessarily imply bad storytelling or a poor, creative production. As those who follow anime - can agree that even with those episodes designed to fill time - a large percentage are often quite enjoyable, providing some entertaining and visually stunning moments for viewers to experience.
As you explore the universe of Naruto - it appears that some of the worst Naruto filler episodes (as it depends on personal tastes and opinions), have an assortment of negative attributes: It often introduces those characters who might appear to be weak - such as "Ino Screams! Chubby Paradise!" and have those plotlines that seem disjointed and don't necessarily flow well, but it's worth noting those opinions often clash with other opinions and can result in a passionate Naruto filler episodes debate. Some would also mention that the production is considered to be an overall Naruto filler impact. It's one of the biggest questions, considering whether it's had an adverse impact on those stories, as fans can easily understand how the filler episodes do tend to affect the overarching story arc, especially in a Naruto filler timeline.
Many fans - those seeking a true sense of what the Naruto universe has to offer might seek out Naruto filler vs canon, and it has become one of the most discussed topics regarding Naruto. Those who love this anime and manga - often struggle with the amount of filler episodes that make up Naruto.
The answer is that there is a bit of an impact. While these episodes do provide an opportunity for exploration. Those fans seeking the core elements will see that they might tend to not have any bearing on those characters and those central events - such as those centered around those stories in Naruto Shippuden. These episodes are not typically considered "worth watching". They often are perceived as not having an impressive impact on how the Naruto story unfolds in terms of overall character growth, development of a plotline or a narrative. However, they're often considered to be part of those stories - with the Naruto filler content also creating some more interesting situations.