Popular shonen anime and manga series Jujutsu Kaisen has a riveting story and endearing cast of characters that have won over admirers all over the world. A closer examination reveals that Megumi Fushiguro, the deuteragonist of the series, has several startling similarities with Naruto Uzumaki, the protagonist of the renowned Naruto series, despite Yuji Itadori's first appearance as a traditional shonen hero. These similarities go beyond simple character attributes; they also touch on plot points, abilities, and even minute design details.
Megumi and Naruto have a fascinating family history despite playing different roles; they both inherited their mothers' last names as a result of unspoken family issues. The two characters' parallel parent roles hint at a deeper link between them. Despite their extreme differences, Minato Namikaze and Toji Fushiguro both had a major influence on their sons' lives and helped steer them down difficult courses.
There are also parallels between the two shows in terms of mentoring. For a considerable amount of time, the teachers who mentor both Naruto and Megumi are unaware of their shared secret relationship to their dads. While Gojo Satoru's relationship to Toji isn't disclosed until much later in the anime in Megumi's instance, Naruto's true lineage to Minato is revealed by his own discovery. Moreover, Gojo's recognizable eye patch, which is evocative of Kakashi Hatake, enhances the visual bond between Jujutsu Kaisen and Naruto even more.
Megumi's skills are remarkably similar to Naruto's as well. His usage of shikigami, a summoning that resembles spirits, is similar to Naruto's use of the Shadow Clone Jutsu, emphasizing their mutual reliance on outside powers to increase their power. The strong forces that inhabit both characters—Mahoraga, a demonic force that lives inside Megumi, and Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox that lives inside Naruto—make this link even more clear.
Some fans have conjectured that Megumi was originally meant to be the protagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen, a Naruto-esque figure in the series, due to the remarkable similarities between her and Naruto. Nevertheless, Yuji Itadori's introduction of a distinct protagonist by Jujutsu Kaisen founder Gege Akutami proved to be a successful move. Megumi may not be the primary character, but his striking likeness to Naruto offers an intriguing look into character design and inspiration in the shonen anime and manga genre.
The interconnectedness of the shonen genre is highlighted by Jujutsu Kaisen's inspiration from Naruto, especially in how Megumi Fushiguro is portrayed. Jujutsu Kaisen's tributes to Naruto show the influence of earlier classic series within the genre, even if it delivers its own special blend of horror, action, and supernatural aspects. Even though Megumi's character isn't exactly like Naruto, it is a tribute to the continuous discussion between the show's creators and viewers about issues like power, legacy, and the continuing appeal of shonen archetypes.