Mariska Hargitay is a popular actress most notably known for her role as Olivia Benson on the television show "Law & OrdER: Special Victims Unit." Her career and her personal life are also recognized as inspirational to many through her efforts and dedication to activism.
Before playing Olivia Benson, Mariska had parts on other shows which includes ER. When she met with creator Dick Wolf to discuss "Law & OrdER: Special Victims Unit", she walked in already feeling that that was her role. Mariska said after getting a few notes that she thought things were going well as well and believed the part to be hers. However she was unsure when she returned to another meeting and saw a different actress there.
Hargitay said that when Christopher Meloni walked into her callback, that she immediately knew that he was "the one" for the role of Elliot Stabler. Meloni reportedly had a similar opinion of their chemistry and this set the stage for what has now become an iconic screen pairing for over 2 decades.
For over two decades, Hargitay has been recognized for playing Olivia Benson a character who moved up the ranks in "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". This show also gained notoriety due to how it approached important social issues while using a procedural story method. The portrayal and overall representation of a detective as a strong woman has gained traction all over the world.
Through the length of her career with the series her off-screen persona began to reflect more of her character’s values and traits, with that strong sense of empathy along with a determination to bring justice for others. Olivia has provided an iconic image in the television realm that inspired others.
Hargitay also has devoted her life beyond playing the iconic Olivia Benson to supporting social causes as well. She took her role as an opportunity for activism when she created the non-profit Joyful Heart Foundation in 2004.
This organization came as an answer to all the letters she was receiving from fans about their own personal struggles from domestic violence, sexual assault and childhood abuse. Her experience on the set of SVU made a profound influence on her to be proactive in making real changes within communities.
Her social justice has reached national attention as she testified twice before Congress regarding the backlog of untested rape kits. She continues to fight and use her influence for public awareness.
In addition she shared a piece on her personal experiences with sexual assault in which she flipped many harmful power structures. She hopes to reduce shame around sexual violence by giving insight into her own challenges. It highlights that being vulnerable makes a person not only stronger but provides room for productivity.
Mariska also practices and promotes her ideals of listening and not immediately judging someone in all scenarios. As an actor who plays the part of a detective she knows that everyone should be treated with equal value because of all our experiences and personal struggles.
Hargitay believes that each person has a vast range of emotions. Instead of labeling someone it is better to see each as multidimensional beings which is her mindset when trying to connect with another individual on their life experiences and journey. Through this practice it’s possible to offer genuine care and a more sincere form of help.
Through playing Benson she has touched many as viewers feel comforted and understood by her character on the show . Her love and care for all viewers has created an environment in real life which promotes action. All she provides has been something that reflects someone who embodies the role on and off camera showing they are one and the same. She believes we should use any opportunity to lift up our communities through support of causes.
The 26th season of Law & Order: SVU will premiere on Jan 16. Mariska’s ongoing passion continues to inspire many with how closely her private actions relate to her television career making it all become one message.