The "Landman" season finale, aired on January 11th, brought a close to the high stakes stories within the oil industry. It has created much conversation of what direction characters and future storylines might take.
The finale focused on multiple narratives showing personal character struggles with professional responsibilities and moral challenges. With sudden shifts in events the last episode tied off previous plots while giving new insight for future story arcs.
The end of episode 9 saw the dire health of Monty. In the last episode of season 1 his ticker gave out and has become ambiguous that he will not make a recovery. In a moment of emotion with his family members the show created some uncertainty. Although this moment created shock there are those who still feel hope he could return as part of another story arc.
Following the events of Monty the leadership of MTex has fallen onto Tommy’s lap as President. He has new responsibilities in place including settling the land deals which is being done with help from Nate and Rebecca, while he is now being hunted by the Cartel.
Tommy ends up being kidnapped by the Cartel and is forced to witness the bombing of an oil well as a sign of aggression for what was previously done by Monty. They proceed with ASMR-like torture methods showcasing more extreme levels of brutality that had not been seen before. These techniques highlight what is known as power while also displaying that he was alone in the situation as well. Ultimately his near demise had to be handled by a third party stepping in.
Andy Garcia as Galino a new power player in the cartel came at the perfect time saving Tommy's life from the tortuous kidnappers. His role also offered new agreements into creating a path where Tommy and himself work as equals with an understanding rather than with previous antagonizing methods. There were implied concepts that the relationship with Galino was something Tommy would now be required to face.
A new deal would include a level of partnership between the cartel and MTex leaving audiences to ask what path this newly forged relationship might take in coming seasons. All the events led to where viewers can expect more complexity with alliances that might test morality moving forward in the show's dynamic.
Characters aside from the core plot are also having their stories addressed. Ainsley makes her way back to her boyfriend Ryder as she comes into her own with the events while working through issues of intimacy and vulnerability. Also Cooper’s ambitions are given a path through his deals he was able to sign.
Cooper is seen more with his goals taking shape as an oil man. He also finds that Ariana his love interest is still processing her grief over the loss of her husband. He comforts her through looking at pictures which allows them to connect as the tragic events lead their characters down a different path from earlier in the season. These relationships create depth to the human aspect while all also being tested by grief.
Ending the last scene Tommy returns home . As he collapses onto the sofa in his home Angela his wife is tending to his needs with care. After their heart to heart chat and a show of appreciation to her he sees a lone coyote that survived earlier attacks outside of his home with a solemn comment to the animal: "You better run, buddy. They kill coyotes around here." Which is used to parallel both his current journey along with where he needs to protect himself.
The ending left questions unanswered for a large fan base which implied the return of a new season for viewers to follow along with. These loose ends left much open for discussion such as what would be next for Tommy? Will a land deal ever come into fruition for him or others in his position? And will any form of justice take place as result of cartel? With all those questions set in motion it left an opportunity for Paramount + to decide that new season would be one fans are requesting to have created for future content.
Possible season 2 developments that had been alluded too include an ongoing battle between human emotions , leadership roles within corrupt organizations, morality when you feel that no side is completely good. Viewers are keen on seeing the potential dynamics with Galino who could prove to be as equal challenge for the other characters that have been highlighted before. The idea that no clear answers creates anticipation of new challenges for the audience and their own perception of where everyone goes from there.