Renowned for his adaptability as an actor, Kim Soo-hyun proved his comic skills on the K-drama "Queen of Tears." Although his performance as Baek Hyun-woo was not overtly humorous, Kim Soo-hyun gave Hyun-woo a playful side that highlighted the multifarious character. Kim Soo-hyun honored one of his co-star, Kim Ji-won's most beloved character in a particularly unforgettable scene, so paying a wonderful homage to a beloved K-drama.
Especially funny is the scene in "Queen of Tears" where Baek Hyun-woo (Kim Soo-hyun) shows his annoyance about his marriage and Hae-in's family in an overdone manner. Kim Soo-hyun, however, sharpens the comedy by deftly referencing Choi Ae-ra, one of Kim Ji-won's legendary characters, from "Fight for My Way."
The thread tying these two scenes together is "Aegyo," a Korean word meaning too cute behavior. Hyun-woo laments, in "Queen of Tears," being seen as the adorable younger son and says, "I was born this way. What then can I do?" This reminds me of a viral scene from "Fight for My Way" where Kim Ji-won's Ae-ra gently tells Ko Dong-man (Park Seo-joon), "I was not acting pretty. I was born rather lovely. One of Ae-ra's most identifiable lines turned out to be this one.
Kim Ji-won's superb performance in "Fight for My Way" won her praise for her "aegyo," which many others since the show's premiere have duplicated, including Kim Soo-hyun. His subdued homage to Kim Ji-won's legendary scene is a wonderful nod to "Fight for My Way" and reminds us of the long influence of Choi Ae-ra, Kim Ji-won's unforgettable character.
From "High Kick 3" to "Queen of Tears," Kim Ji-won's acting career has seen her present a range of characters; but, Choi Ae-ra is especially beloved and memorable. Following her outstanding supporting performance as First Lt. Yoon Myeong-ju in "Descendants of the Sun," Kim Ji-won's acting range revealed a fresh angle that enthralled viewers with her vivid and realistic portrayal.
Pursue My Way Cast.
The likable and endearing characters of "Fight for My Way" will appeal to viewers and help to explain its success. As Choi Ae-ra and Ko Dong-man respectively, Kim Ji-won and Park Seo-joon made a dynamic team that captivated viewers into their narrative. Additional enhancing the ensemble cast were Song Ha-yoon as Baek Seol-hee and Ahn Jae-hong as Kim Joo-man.
Though Kim Ji-won's character felt real and lovable despite her over-the-top moments, her portrayal of Ae-ra gave the film a contagious vitality. Strong-willed and feisty, Ae-ra highlighted Kim Ji-won's comic timing and perfect delivery of slapstick humor, so enhancing Park Seo-joon's comedic ability in some of "Fight for My Way's most memorable scenes."
Another main component of the character's appeal is the changing relationship between Ae-ra and Dong-man, childhood friends blossoming into lovers. Showcasing the range and depth of Kim Ji-won's character, their dynamic, mixing playful banter with real affection produced one of her most loved on-screen couples.
Although "Queen of Tears" and "Fight for My Way" are both classified as romantic comedies, "Fight for My Way" leads the comedy department. The easy chemistry and comic timing of Kim Ji-won and Park Seo-joon make their path as friends-to-lovers an enjoyment to see. Even their most poignant moments are tinged with humor, which gives viewers a fun and interesting encounter.
"Queen of Tears" also has plenty of laughing, which adds to the fantasy-like romance's richness. Kim Ji-won's comic skills really show her equal footing with Kim Soo-hyun's. Her humorous moments in "Queen of Tears" are more subdued and less frequent than those in "Fight for My Way," though.
Kim Ji-won shows clear dramatic ability, particularly in "Queen of Tears," but Choi Ae-ra from "Fight for My Way" exhibits comic mastery. Kim Soo-hyun's homage to his co-star thus becomes even more significant since it links two of her best K-dramas and reminds viewers of the legendary character quality of her past.
Kim Soo-hyun's homage to Kim Ji-won is a wonderful reminder of her comic genius, so highlighting the enduring influence of her legendary character, Choi Ae-ra. It also honors the relationships between "Queen of Tears" and "Fight for My Way," stressing Kim Ji-won's and Kim Soo-hyun's varied skill set.
Starring Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Ji-won, South Korean television drama series "Queen of Tears" broadcast in 2023. The show revolves on Hong Hae-in, an heiress from the elite Queens Group, and her husband, Baek Hyun-woo, sometimes referred to as the "supermarket prince." Their "wedding of the century" is in serious danger and will force them to face their differences and rediscover the strength of their relationship.
Park Seo-joon and Kim Ji-won starred the 2017 South Korean television drama "Fight for My Way." Four young people navigating social pressures and daily challenges as they pursue their dreams are followed in the program. Offering a complex picture of the characters' hardships and victories, the show investigates ideas of friendship, ambition, and romance.