"High Potential" is a new show on ABC, following the main character - a working, single mother of three - who also has a unique and, extraordinary gift. She also has an IQ of 160, with skills and, abilities for finding solutions that many others often overlook.
The series has a special setup and some key moments. The show takes notes from some popular shows including "Monk," and "Psych," blending a range of crime-solving elements with drama, humor and a touch of comic relief. This combination makes for an exciting show.
"High Potential," is a series that has some memorable, characters, with one of those most characters: Morgan, - she also has an IQ of 160 with the abilities to find solutions to those cases.
In this show, Morgan - she has a gift for problem-solving that helps those around her, and in this show – she does not take things very seriously - sometimes, being very direct - as viewers can see in this series - it is a blend of humor and crime that takes a fun approach.
Fans of "Psych," are going to find many parallels and, some key similarities in "High Potential." It’s the premise, in fact – it’s the way those characters have those unique abilities that make those characters so interesting to watch as those individuals come together and, it is a series that’s likely to be popular and enjoyed by its audience.
"Psych" is one of those memorable series - that has a series of cases and challenges - with "High Potential" also highlighting those key moments.
"High Potential," - with its series of events and stories that take a lighthearted and, sometimes a more serious tone – Kaitlin Olson is a memorable actor who's often known for her series of roles.
"High Potential" has a new feel for Kaitlin Olson: - as she takes on the role of Morgan and a key member of the police team. Olson is a comedic talent - she has an ability to blend those moments of drama and comedy into her role as a single mother - that helps to bring life to this show. Kaitlin Olson - she’s known for her popular roles on the show: “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”.
It's an interesting time for the crime drama genre – and, for those fans of “Psych", who've enjoyed a decade of those memorable characters, relationships and stories – it’s likely those viewers will find some strong parallels to "High Potential" as it's introduced.
It turns out - "Psych" has been a staple in those crime comedy, shows and, with the new release of "High Potential" – fans will be curious to see what sort of future this series has – its premise has already made a unique mark, with some key elements that help to set it apart and is a series that has a lot of potential for those viewers who seek out crime series that are both light-hearted, engaging and full of humor.