iZombie is a quirky procedural series that follows Liv Moore, a medical examiner with a craving for brains. After becoming a zombie, Liv discovers that eating brains allows her to absorb the memories and personalities of the deceased. She uses her unique abilities to solve murders while navigating the challenges of being a zombie in a world where she can't tell anyone her secret. The series blends comedy with the supernatural, showcasing the complexities of human identity.
Both iZombie and Ghosts use the supernatural to explore different facets of human identity. Both shows are also comedies with engaging supporting casts. Additionally, they both use humor to tackle complex issues and feature characters who have unique perspectives on life and death. For example, both shows have characters who can't see the dead, but interact with them. In Ghosts, the human characters are unaware of their roommates' ghostly presences. In iZombie, Liv is the only one who can see and communicate with the dead through eating their brains.
iZombie has a grittier, faster-paced tone compared to the heartwarming humor of Ghosts. iZombie is also set in a more urban environment, with Liv constantly on the go as she solves crimes. In contrast, Ghosts is set in a secluded mansion, with most of the action taking place within its walls. The shows also have different age demographics, with iZombie focusing on young adults navigating relationships and career paths, while Ghosts explores the lives of adults in their 30s as they build a business and navigate family dynamics.
iZombie offers a darker alternative to Ghosts while the series is on hiatus. Both shows have similar themes and compelling characters, and iZombie's weekly mysteries provide a fun binge-watching experience. The show's fast-paced nature and compelling storylines make it a great option for viewers who enjoy the supernatural and appreciate a good mystery. If you enjoyed Rose McIver's performance in Ghosts, you'll be sure to enjoy her role as Liv Moore in iZombie.
Rose McIver, who played the role of a human who could see the dead in Ghosts, stars as Liv Moore, a dead person who exists among the living, in iZombie.
iZombie features a strong ensemble cast, including Rahul Kohli as Ravi Chakrabarti, Liv's co-worker and part-time crime-solving sidekick, who provides comedic relief and a grounding presence in the show. The show also includes a cast of quirky and engaging characters that make the show a compelling watch. You'll find the show features characters who are dealing with their own unique challenges and have their own compelling stories to tell.