The return of Sutekh, a godlike creature that the Fifteenth Doctor called the "greatest monster" he had ever fought, marked the culmination of Doctor Who season 14. This audacious assertion seems to rewrite half a century of Doctor Who history by elevating Sutekh above such fabled adversaries as the Daleks and Cybermen. Even though Sutekh's comeback was thrilling, it seems hyperbolic to refer to him as the most terrifying monster—especially in light of the Doctor's very simple win over him. Though Sutekh's claim to be the "greatest monster" demands more investigation, his strength and menace to the cosmos undoubtedly merit notice.
Sutekh met the Doctor for the first time in the 1970s, when Tom Baker was the Fourth Doctor. The legendary "Pyramids of Mars" episode showed the God of Death breaking out of his captivity and taking possession of a driven archaeologist. Destroying his Martian cage was his aim. Sutekh was ultimately cast back into the Time Vortex by the Doctor, where he stayed until his reappearance in season 14. Even though "The Legend of Ruby Sunday" was one of the season's best episodes, Sutekh was unexpectedly easy to beat.
Sutekh was a beloved adversary before he returned in 2024, but nobody ever thought of him as the Doctor's greatest foe. Sutekh's special weaknesses—his conceit and haughtiness—were what made him so appealing, and the Doctor used them against him. Although there are scarier and more powerful villains on the show, Sutekh's imperfections make him interesting. He was a unique and intriguing character, and his reappearance gives the idea of an enduring and unstoppable threat.
Sutekh was exclusively connected to the original series prior to season 14. He was a character lost in the annals of the program, not a well-known antagonist like the Daleks or Cybermen. Even though it seems overdone, the Doctor's designation of Sutekh as the "greatest monster" sent a clear message, solidifying Sutekh's role as the new antagonist.
The Daleks instantly spring to mind when thinking about the "greatest" or most dangerous monster in Doctor Who. Their protracted association with the Doctor, their ability to inflict great agony, and their part in the Time War—which ultimately resulted in the annihilation of Gallifrey and the Time Lords—all attest to their strength. They have created the Doctor with innumerable issues, nearly resulting in the death of every one of his companions in "Journey's End".
Because they have been on the show for a long time, the Cybermen and the Daleks frequently share the spotlight. They probably had a worse effect on the Doctor's life following the Time War. They have been a part of many of the Doctor's almost-victories, including the Pandorica, Demons Run, Trenzalore, and others. They have also slain well-known characters like Danny Pink and Bill Potts. Because even the best Cybermen stories are scary, it seems sense that they made an early reappearance in the revival.
Though it sounds inflated, the Doctor's assertion that Sutekh is his "greatest enemy" is true. Though highly capable, the Sutekh from "Pyramids of Mars" is not quite as strong as the Sutekh from "Empire of Death". Sutekh's period spent developing his powers is evidently longer than the show indicates, even though it doesn't say when he began living in the TARDIS. Although he appeared weaker in "Pyramids of Mars" due to the limitations on his powers, the Doctor saw his promise.
Moreover, Doctor Who's 14th season has been called a "soft reboot" since it makes modifications to the current reality. Among these are the Pantheon of Gods, which establishes Sutekh as the head of a group of deities the Doctor has met throughout the years. He is now instantly exalted above other gods such as the Trickster, the Toymaker, and the Mara. Although the audience's recollections of Sutekh make the moniker "greatest monster" appear erroneous, this new Sutekh is a formidable force unmatched by anything seen before.
The return of Sutekh in season 14 signifies a dramatic change in the Doctor Who villain hierarchy. Sutekh's newfound power and his position as the head of the Pantheon of Gods raise him to a different level, even though the Daleks and Cybermen are still extremely powerful. Though it's debatable, his status as the Doctor's "greatest monster" clearly emphasizes his serious threat to the universe.
Sutekh's reappearance serves as a reminder that new enemies and threats are always arising in the Doctor Who world. Even though Sutekh was defeated in the Doctor's confrontation with him, it is unclear whether the strong god will return as an enemy and whether the Doctor will be able to really keep him at away. This change in the balance of power and the appearance of a formidable new antagonist paved the way for thrilling and unexpected exploits in the years to come.