I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability has become a popular series due to its use of fight scenes, techniques, and inspiration from another popular shonen anime, Dragon Ball!
This reincarnation anime has elements of a Dragon Ball style:
The 7th Prince anime focuses on a reincarnated protagonist, who sets off to gain new power. This 7th Prince anime goes above and beyond to reimagine battle tropes, similar to how Dragon Ball is full of amazing, unique fight styles.
You'll find influences from other popular anime similar to Naruto and anime similar to Hunter x Hunter! The anime similar to Dragon Ball elements include incredible techniques, including a unique style, that takes a nod from Ultra Instinct. It's a very fun and action-packed series, even going as far as replicating Death Ball with a new powerful move called Mortal Dark Sphere. It also introduces new plot details about powers given by predecessors. It has elements from other iconic anime recommendations and takes many stylistic cues from other shonen anime!
I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability is full of iconic details! It draws major inspiration from Dragon Ball's epic fights and power-ups. In the anime's finale, final battle focuses on a new and incredible, Ultra Instinct inspired move that turns the tide against a powerful enemy.
There is something here for everyone! While many anime fans typically go for a certain type of genre, like isekai or classic shonen anime, this series manages to bring those genres together by incorporating iconic elements from popular anime like Dragon Ball.
If you are on the lookout for best reincarnation anime, this one is definitely worth checking out! Follow the latest anime news for more information on the new series and when it will release new episodes!