Vin's Years in the Final Empire
When The Final Empire opens, Vin is sixteen years old and has never known companionship after most of her childhood spent on Luthadel's streets. Vin opens the first Mistborn book unsure of her Mistborn powers and with knowledge lacking. She does, however, develop noticeably once she meets Kelsier and teams with his group. Vin is still in her teens hence she is not really set in her ways. Her perception of the world in The Final Empire is reshaped in part by her new surroundings and exposure to decent people.
Over the duration of The Final Empire, around a year passes, hence Vin most likely turns 17 either shortly following or during the first Mistborn book. It's amazing that she's still a teen when she overthrows the Lord Ruler; her age also makes sense of many of her encounters across the book. Given her age and background, Vin sees Kelsier as a father figure; she falls really quickly and forcefully for Elend. She also deals with teenage social situations while visiting balls all throughout The Final Empire.
Vin's Age in The Well of Ascension
Although Sanderson doesn't say Vin's age specifically in The Well of Ascension, the second Mistborn book seems to take place roughly one year following the first. This would put Vin about 18 years old in The Well of Ascension, maybe 19 by the time the book's climax comes along. This makes logical since Vin in The Well of Ascension still seems to be discovering her identity. That fits her character arc since young adults at 18 or 19 often have that.
Vin questions her place in the universe and the changing Luthadel in The Well of Ascension as well as if she truly ought to be with Elend. Though she takes her time making that choice, Elend is older than Vin and ready to settle down in Mistborn book two. She also comes to terms with the aspects of herself she feels tempted to reject, most especially her more feminine traits.
Vin's Age Within The Hero Of Ages
Vin feels more confident of who she is in The Hero of Ages, although she searches for herself across the first two Mistborn books. This makes sense given the chronology of the series since Vin is in her early 20s by the time the third and last volume of the original Mistborn trilogy ends. Once more, Vin's age is never broken out explicitly. But the arithmetic is really simple given the four years or so that separate book one from book three.
Vin feels more sure of who she is in The Hero of Ages, although she searches for herself across the first two Mistborn books. In her 20s, Vin feels more grown-up and natural in her relationship with Elend as well. At the end of The Well of Ascension, the two get married and really embrace their strength both personally and as a team in The Hero of Ages. Sadly, especially for characters so young, their deaths are hard to swallow. Of course, even if the couple is rather young to have such a significant impact on Scadrial, Mistborn Era 1 guarantees the couple leaves a legacy by their deeds.
Vin's Growing Age Through the Trilogy
Though Brandon Sanderson's initial Mistborn trilogy spans several years, how old is Vin in every Era 1 book? Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy's heroine, Vin, may have readers speculating about her age in each of the Era 1 book. While Mistborn Era 2 centers Wax and Wayne, Vin is among the most often used character in the first three books. Though it's counterbalanced with viewpoints like Kelsier's, Elend's, and Sazed's, her viewpoint runs constantly through The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension, and The Hero of Ages. While every one of these people shapes Scadrial's destiny, Vin moves some of the most significant bits.
Given Vin's enormous impact on the Mistborn universe, readers might be interested in her age across Sanderson's trilogy. The original trilogy spans many years, thus Vin grows up negotiating the political terrain of the Final Empire. Her story is a coming-of-age one even if it is one of revolt and hope. Even young, Vin has a significant influence by the time The Hero of Ages opens. Given her age, this seems ridiculous, but she concludes the trilogy older than most fantasy heroes.
Rememberable Events by Vin
Though Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn books have many epic events, which ones from the series lead are most unforgettable? One of Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn universe's most vibrant characters is Vin, and her trip across the series is full with fascinating events. From her early days as a street urchin in Luthadel to her final leadership in the revolt against the Lord Ruler, Vin's arc is one of development, self-discovery, and empowerment. Though the trilogy's main character is her, her status and authority change greatly across the volumes. The tale is recounted from a multi-perspective lens, hence numerous events show her development and her capacity to grow and learn makes her a remarkable character.
Vin's initial meeting with Kelsier and his staff is among the most unforgettable sequences in the show. She starts to discover her powers and the surroundings, therefore marking a turning point in her life. Vin is a fantastic protagonist as well as a strong character; her path is unforgettable and various admirers have pointed out that her development inspires them.