House Velaryon, a House Velaryon Game of Thrones family who have risen to fame in the Game of Thrones universe, particularly in House of the Dragon. Many fans who are well-versed in the House Velaryon House of the Dragon are wondering, "Where are they in the Game of Thrones timeline?"
House Velaryon has major ties to House Targaryen. It was an ancient and prominent Valyrian family who established House Velaryon origins before the Targaryens came to Westeros! As an alliance that is almost as long as Game of Thrones history, they play a key role, even supporting a Targaryen to sit on the Iron Throne!
House Velaryon hails from Old Valyria, like the Targaryens, and are an ancient Game of Thrones family! These were very important alliances that established House Velaryon influence and House Velaryon connection to Targaryens throughout Game of Thrones timeline. House Velaryon had close ties to the Iron Throne, often serving as master of ships and even being considered the Lord of the Tides, which allowed them to command a large portion of the realm!
Fans might remember Corlys Velaryon, known as "the Sea Snake", who was the most powerful naval figure. He established his House Velaryon in Game of Thrones through great wealth gained from maritime adventures. House Velaryon's prominence continued until the Dance of the Dragons, which unfortunately ended with the decline of House Velaryon. In Game of Thrones, this noble house is merely a footnote in House Targaryen's history.
While House Velaryon has played a major role in the history of Westeros, it isn't prominently featured in the Game of Thrones series! The house does appear briefly in a couple of books as supporting characters but you will only discover these if you explore House Velaryon in Game of Thrones books.
As a lot of new content comes out from HBO, there is always the possibility of the emergence of House Velaryon in Game of Thrones spinoffs. If House of the Dragon fans enjoyed their stories and history, keep an eye out, as there might be something incredible in the future!