HBO's Harry Potter Remake: Finally, a Chance to Show Harry's True Magical Prowess!
The Harry Potter movies are beloved, but they didHarrya disservice. A common complaint? He was portrayed as a magically inept hero whose successes were all due toluck! Many fans of the series found this quite frustrating, a total injustice done to the main character that many readers, however, would never agree with. This is the direct result of various edits to Rowling's original source materials and changes to pacing and other decisions made regarding those specific plot choices.
The movies lackedHarry'sinternal thoughts (found extensively in the books). This significantly lessened his personality. His wit, bravery, and temper were watered down, making his heroism less convincing. Yet that wasn’t all, as perhaps his biggest shortcoming was underemphasizing his very real magical talents!
ThoseHarry Pottermovies? Harrybarelydoesany magic in those early films! Sorcerer's Stone? Zero spells! Chamber of Secrets? Barely any improvement! It's only inPrisoner of Azkabanthat we see a hint of real magical skill–that time he learned thePatronus Charm. ByDeathly Hallows Part 2, it feels like he facesVoldemortwithout any serious preparation, a stark contrast with the descriptions inRowling’sbooks!
The books frequently mentionHarry’samazingDefense Against the Dark Arts(DADA) abilities, showing his talent that way far outpaced that of others during similar events. Yet the fact remains that only his proficiency at Expelliarmus and Patronus were shown prominently! Even inOrder of the Phoenix, where he's teachingDumbledore's Army, that lack of previous portrayed ability makes things weird! This just goes to show how essential those kinds of narrative choices can be, which impacted those key narrative moments for the movies as well, for good and for bad.
The upcomingHBOHarry Potterremake—a longer series that faithfully recreates the book series– offers that massive opportunity for correction and revision.And it involves emphasizing those skills greatly lacking in those Warner Brothers films: This includes focusing on Harry’s actual magical ability rather than merely his luck or simple survival. It’s important for viewers to realize why the lack of focus from other series affects how Harry is generally understood – a common misconception easily corrected by faithfully showcasingHarry’sgenuine talents and providing important contextual details for readers and fans to really come to terms with the Harry Potter novels in greater ways.
Remember:Harry’snot some superhuman genius wizard, that was never portrayed, and his limitations were already hinted in Rowling's original work. He simply didn't start well in that key subject, but this is not indicative of the overall proficiency and skills that the protagonist developed. Instead it involvesHarry’sfocus on DADA. He masters defensive magic almost instinctively and repeatedly choosesExpelliarmusover killing spells. The books demonstrate that these are strategic and moral choices, rather than just limitations and demonstrating shortcomings! And it needs a far more direct demonstration, for these important distinctions to come to those viewers watching the new adaptation of this series.
TheHBOremake needs to show Harry’s progression inGoblet of Fire– this was Harry's real peak; that pivotal year! Mad-Eye Moody'straining in Prisoner of Azkaban is already good. But it really intensified because of theTriwizard Tournament. He practiced insanely hard— more so thanHermione. That experience really shines! Those endless hours studying DADA texts were crucial and would also help make the narrative choices later; specifically Harry being seen as a worthy instructor and this makes that selection of Harry as an appropriate teacher even stronger, making the decisions that come later very natural for these readers!
And that’swhy Hermionelater considered him forDumbledore’s Army inOrder of the Phoenix!And the fact is those incredible O.W.L. examiners were blown away. TheHarry Pottermovies skipped ALL of this, a critical failure in their portrayals.TheHBOremake, and its expected portrayal of these earlier moments inGoblet of Firemust completely and utterly redeem Harry! Both these critically important installments are absolutely essential for providing those core contexts that explain his later character in satisfying ways for audiences everywhere.
TheHBOHarry Potterremake’s amazing opportunity presents many avenues for correcting previously unaddressed aspects from its prior counterparts and providing more details that will better connect to this incredibly famous fanbase: It provides an ideal opportunity for portraying those long-overlooked elements found inRowling’sbooks! This makes emphasizingHarry’sDADA skills completely essential; proving that heroism is much more than simplyluckand that a very flawed character does not need to be portrayed poorly! Showing his character depth; this would improve how well many would appreciateHarry Potter.This involves emphasizing all those magical skills – particularly duringGoblet of Fire, which would solidify those pivotal and incredibly essential moments that showHarryat his best and best-prepared!