In the engrossing universe of House of the Dragon, the death of Lord Grover Tully of Riverrun shakes the story, especially with relation to Daemon Targaryen's intentions. Although the Lord's death happened off-screen, its effects are far-reaching and crucial for the continuous struggle between the Blacks and the Greens.
One cannot stress House Tully's strategic relevance in Westeros. They are vital for gathering a strong army since, as Lord Paramount of the Riverlands, they have great impact over the smaller homes in the area. Strategically located in the middle of Westeros, Riverrun connects the capital, King's Landing, and the other kingdoms. The Riverlands is thus a vital battlefield, and House Tully's allegiance is much sought for.
Early in the season, the audience was told of Lord Grover Tully's failing health, which resulted in his grandson Oscar Tully representing the family in talks with Daemon. Grover Tully's passing in season 2, episode 6 marks a turning point that opens Daemon's ambitious ideas a path.
A bastard of House Strong, Alys Rivers is a mystery character Daemon's Harrenhal introduces. She is a mystery because of her healing ability and claimed magical powers. Although the exact events around Lord Grover Tully's death are yet unknown, the episode strongly implies Alys Rivers had a part. Ser Simon Strong's account of the events notes Alys Rivers's presence in Lord Tully's last hours, so suggesting her participation. Given Daemon's misfortunes threatened to throw off his plans, the implication is that Alys Rivers subtly directed the Lord's death to forward the story.
In episode five, the Riverlands' lords chastised Daemon for his war crimes against House Bracken, apparently so undermining his attempts to unite the houses of the area. But Daemon benefits strategically from Lord Grover Tully's death. Now he can use the young Oscar Tully to gather Riverlands' banners to support his cause, so enhancing his position in the conflict against the Greens. The episode also hints at the arrival of the Lannister army, so placing the Riverlands on the verge of war independent of Daemon's efforts' result. This underlines the area's central part in the conflict and the need of the Riverlands getting ready for the approaching danger.
Though Alys Rivers's actions seem to help Daemon by matching him with his objectives, her motives are probably more complicated. She can see visions, one in which Daemon meets his death at Harrenhal. Even intervening when Daemon compromises his plans, her actions seem to drive events towards their predestined result. She unintentionally drove Daemon closer to his death, so healing the Riverlands. Although the results of these events are yet unknown, Alys Rivers is most likely engaged in a larger game and aligning with no specific side.
Set 172 years before the events of Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon follows the ascent of the Targaryens—the only family to withstand the cataclysmic Doom of Valyria. The show charts the complex power conflicts inside the family, finally sparking a terrible civil war. House of the Dragon never fails to enthrall viewers with its complex storylines, engaging cast of characters—including Emma D'Arcy (Rhaenyra Targaryen), Olivia Cooke (Alicent Hightower), Matt Smith (Prince Daemon Targaryen), and Paddy Considine (King Viserys Targaryen), and its gorgeous visuals. A turning point that fuels the fiery conflict between the Greens and Blacks is the death of Lord Grover Tully. His death will surely affect the Riverlands' and the Targaryen dynasty's future, so guiding an exciting and erratic path as the show runs on.