There has been much debate about Grace's exit, and while there were a few options the series had to take into account - it wasn't exactly clear how she would leave the series that had become a hit. Those fans were also eager to see what path the series would take in order to move forward, without Grace’s presence. One thing that could have been done: It was to show Grace's departure - that was perhaps based on the emotional events, such as a tragic loss - a major, life changing event, - that could have helped audiences accept her departure. Unfortunately the producers weren't able to explore those options, giving fans an opportunity to explore a better and well-crafted storyline.
Viewers are wondering just how she was removed from the series and whether it would mean an official end - for this character - those fans have not forgotten Grace and her presence, with those who watched wanting to know just how the series was able to give a meaningful goodbye, especially because there's a lot of interest to see if she'll return.
Fans will have a difficult time adjusting - or possibly even accepting how quickly - the character was written out of the series. 9-1-1: Lone Star often had to move forward to develop, create new moments, storylines - with its characters: With that being said, there was a certain expectation about how she would depart, such as those characters, those who were part of those important stories. One key element might have included how she would be involved in those events, leading to her being a part of the storytelling in a compelling manner - for instance to address that character arc.
This might include the ways that Grace would be connected - and remain connected to those characters, showing just how much influence, her story continues to have.
Grace was a well-established character and those fans, are left wondering about what might come next for this particular character, one who has had those very interesting story elements and stories. Many viewers might have wanted a clear and compelling departure or even to see just how her storyline would develop. But this is unlikely to occur because of the series' decision to terminate the show after its fifth season.
Those viewers want to know about those possibilities and, how she could potentially be involved: Especially since fans continue to be fascinated by the series - but there is little chance of a sudden return.
When a character leaves - particularly a character with such a strong, and essential part - there is going to be a real shift for those who remain: The viewers will discover that there could be those complex emotional challenges as those characters will have to move on without her. 9-1-1: Lone Star’s final season may not have the opportunity to address this, as there’s little time.
Fans might also wonder if those events - such as Grace leaving will result in a change in direction for the storyline: A departure can give way to a new way to approach those challenges, those obstacles and storylines for those who remain.
Those who love this show can not overlook those moments of heartache - it was a very sad farewell as Grace said goodbye - it’s difficult to imagine how this particular series could have concluded without those final, essential scenes - and moments with those characters. 9-1-1: Lone Star will continue to showcase this particular series – and, to help shape its future.
It’s difficult to foretell how those scenes, moments will look in that final episode - but there's great interest to see how those scenes and interactions are crafted - it is likely to include those who remain. It’s been a very entertaining series, that has helped shape some great characters, especially with the final season, there are bound to be some important storylines as they come to a close.
This series has brought many memorable storylines, those which include a wide range of complex emotions and characters: Fans who love to explore how those events will be handled, how they can come to a satisfying close. There will likely be those events as it continues to showcase the characters, especially as it prepares to finish its fifth season.
It will be interesting to see how it wraps things up - and those stories about those key characters: This includes Judd Ryder (as a key character in this series) he has been an important element in this particular story, one that has a huge fan following.