Discover The Amazing Ghosts Timeline of Woodstone Mansion!

The CBS Ghosts TV series follows the hilarious lives of an unconventional family in Woodstone Mansion. But their history goes way back, over 1000 years, packed with tales and tragedy that continue to echo through their lives, making them one of the most beloved sitcoms.

When Did Woodstone Mansion Become the Ghosts Show Setting?

The mansion has had a lot of lives! In the late 2000s, Woodstone Mansion is inherited by Sam Arondekar, one of her family's descendants. While she turns it into Woodstone B&B, she accidentally gets to interact with ghosts who have haunted these grounds, making Woodstone Mansion the stage for Ghosts characters and events.

What are the Earliest Stories about Ghosts at Woodstone Mansion?

You will see Ghosts history unfolding in the series. The oldest known ghost is a viking named Thorfinn, known as Ghosts Thorfinn, who was struck by lightning in the year 1007! It was a tragic time and only Thor survived on the grounds.

Who Are The Ghosts Living in Woodstone Mansion?

There are a ton of ghosts at Woodstone Mansion. If you are wondering what stories they have to share, we'll have to explore what happened to them to discover why they have ended up haunting Woodstone Mansion.

  • Thorfinn
  • Sasappis
  • Isaac Higgintoot
  • Nigel Chessum
  • Jenkins and Baxter
  • The Cholera Ghosts
  • Hetty
  • Elias
  • Alberta Haynes
  • Crash
  • Susan “Flower” Montero
  • Peter “Pete” Martino
  • Stephanie
  • Trevor Lefkowitz
  • David Woodstone
  • Sophie

Can I See the Characters Interacting In the Ghosts Episodes?

Fans will get to learn more about this eclectic mix! Be sure to watch Ghosts episodes to see Ghosts characters like Ghosts Crash, Ghosts Flower, and Ghosts Stephanie interacting, as well as the beloved Ghosts Sasappis and how he's brought humor to the series!

Where Can I Watch CBS Ghosts?

It is so popular that many fans will want to discover more! You can watch the whole Ghosts show on CBS Ghosts, as well as on the streaming services associated with CBS.

Will The Story Continue With a Ghosts Season 3?

We can hope that it does, as Ghosts series is a major hit! Fans of Ghosts sitcom will likely find details and updates surrounding a possible Ghosts season 3 or other big news online. It has been incredibly popular and could lead to other series, movies, or spin-offs!