Cate, is an interesting, young supe, whose storyline quickly develops as the show unfolds. The audience initially gets the impression that she is one of the show's heroes.
This perspective is quickly flipped. Cate begins to express an increasing, attraction to Homelander - who is the show’s main antagonist - it quickly becomes evident that her choices are about power, as her allies begin to distance themselves from her.
Gen V is a show that features an engaging group of young supes - who are each seeking to develop their abilities and make a name for themselves. The series also shows just how difficult it can be for these characters to control their powers - those powers, can be an advantage and can often bring unexpected consequences.
Cate has a tremendous gift, and as her storyline unfolds, those viewers will quickly discover just how it can be a curse as well as a blessing. In those early seasons, it appears to be a challenge to find that right balance - with Cate, a supe who has the ability to mind control and use her abilities to influence other sup’s thoughts and actions.
Cate is an important character in this series - she helps provide context for Homelander - a series character that's already well known. Homelander was introduced in the previous series, The Boys.
While there appears to be a shared admiration and respect, their relationship is based on a shared belief that their vision of the world is the same. It’s not entirely clear that this vision of the future, that Homelander - who often operates with a greater vision - and the ways in which it will come to be, Cate really shares in that belief.
Homelander - an iconic - and in some cases, those elements of fear and control. This makes for a unique, powerful and very memorable character.
When Homelander comes back, it appears to be a game changer as it sets up several intriguing plotlines that have been seen previously in The Boys. As Cate moves forward, fans will discover just how the relationships evolve - and if there is an ability to move beyond this current path.
Gen V as a spinoff - gives those viewers an insight into the history of The Boys. The spinoff has those key elements that connect the shows. Fans of The Boys have an opportunity to see some of those characters and understand them in a new way.
Those who are new to this franchise might want to watch the prequel before diving into Gen V. As it explores a different era, it is still connected to those themes of corruption, a desire for power - those common themes that have made The Boys such a great, complex and, well-made series.
The Boys and Gen V are shows that can be watched - a variety of options, depending on your preferences, including streaming services.
If you are looking for more information about The Boys and its prequel - there are a number of websites - and social media pages where fans have been active in the community.