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Game of Thrones: Is Daenerys Targaryen Really Fireproof?

Some Game of Thrones characters have unique and awesome abilities.

There are some interesting things that come into play that not everyone might have caught in the show! One of the most intriguing is Daenerys Targaryen and her immunity to fire.

The Unburnt- Daenerys Targaryen

One of the biggest and most unique moments for the Targaryens, is that the fire cannot hurt them! You might think this was a unique trait, but it has a fascinating explanation.

  • Daenerys got her title from this. The very reason why she was dubbed "The Unburnt." It's tied to a very symbolic moment!
  • It all came from the events of Khal Drogo's funeral pyre that you will remember, came at a difficult time for Daenerys.

This power, is not fully described in the series but there was an interesting approach in "Game of Thrones" which allowed viewers to witness these epic and symbolic moments. Daenerys was unscathed from fire!

But it turns out things weren't always the way they looked, as a lot was left to speculation. That said, the events are important in figuring this all out.

  • It seems that Daenerys was not always immune to fire! What really brings things to life is this special power. You can see when she is a very young girl.
  • In the early parts of the story. You can see a scene where she actually holds a dragon egg over a burning brazier and in a subsequent scene. Daenerys calmly sits in an extremely hot bath.

What you might wonder is: did these things just add more to the sense that she might have this "unburnt" power, or did these acts mean that Daenerys had these skills much earlier in life?

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Daenerys Targaryen's Immunity Explained

Collage of Daenerys Targaryen up front and Drogon lurking in the background Image

This event seems to happen during the burial pyre as Daenerys walks right through fire! You see a major combination of magical forces in Game of Thrones. These powerful moments are about the events and symbols!

  • There's bloodmagic!
  • There's fire!

You may not know but there is a special tradition in "Old Valyria" (the place where all of "Targaryens come from! What this represents are powerful moments where these powerful beings and symbols give the most power.

You have seen the Targaryens use the fire and their blood to give their families some of their greatest strengths.

  • The same elements would have helped them make these magnificent dragon eggs, as well!
  • They might have also given "Targaryens", their skills with using Valyrian Steel

It was definitely a key turning point for Daenerys. There is also the sense of sacrifice and power.

You might remember that she did sacrifice the "Blood" magic user "Mirri Maz Duur! A move to add even more power to Daenerys' blood magic abilities.

  • It's the story of "Khal Drogo," her deceased husband.
  • "Drogo," was a key figure in this story, known for having powerful "King's Blood" that had its own abilities, as well! And even in death, his magic was very present.
  • In one of the biggest moments of this story Drogon came back into the world!

Fans still wonder to this day "where" he went!

What might stand out is how this might be part of how Daenerys gets to be the "Mother of Dragons." You can see it all come together.

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Another Take on The Story - Daenerys Being Fireproof Before?

Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) with baby Drogon on her shoulder in Game of Thrones season 1, episode 10 Image

But wait a minute! In this show. There are times where Daenerys is almost superhuman as if she can stand against any extreme heat. This includes touching a "dragon egg" and walking in a scorching bath!

Some fans still have their doubts. But this series is about exploring the most awesome and most bizarre abilities and those fans might still believe that Daenerys didn't start out fireproof!

  • Fans might have always been interested in her powers but if it came into play before that it is more than just a cool scene, a symbolic event in the story!
  • What this brings out is the magical quality of Daenerys, or it might be a power that came to her by chance, something special about her very own genetics. That's the "Targaryen" family legacy!

Whatever you think about how Daenerys gets to have "immunity to fire.", The idea still helps solidify what makes her special! And it shows how much she could be in tune with this awesome destiny that she was born into!

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Daenerys' Powers in The Books

Collage of King's Landing burning and an angry Daenerys Targaryen Image

The whole idea about Daenerys, as an extraordinary figure, has been brought into question, by none other than "Game of Thrones.". It looks like the story in the series changed! The A Song of Ice and Fire books are a true, remarkable adventure by author "George R. R. Martin." There might be some differences between what we've seen in Game of Thrones and "A Song of Ice and Fire.", the stories don't really agree in these super intense scenes!

  • When we are given this pivotal scene in the book where Daenerys is resurrected from the fire.
  • We do see a big moment.
  • We even get the image of her hair burning. It was quite an event that takes us right to this event but a slight alteration is how the series plays it out.

The writers decided they wouldn't have the image of "Emilia Clarke" on screen with burned hair so it just disappears! This added a twist that some might think was too intense but in reality, these choices also highlighted "Daenerys' special power even more!

It is clear though. "Game of Thrones" isn't fully connected to what the book had intended.

To put things into better perspective, Martin spoke on this point several times over the decades!

In fact, the author wanted to make it crystal clear, about what was written and how it would play out. He was responding to the questions he kept receiving from dedicated fans who wanted to make sure about his true intentions in 1999, in an online forum on ",". The questions surrounding Daenerys and this "special power." It became a recurring issue in the questions he received! Fans couldn't let it go!

And to really solidify what he was going for! Martin pointed out. There is only one magical case and this is just the start of "Daenerys's" abilities as the character makes a big statement!

"Martin" emphasized that there are so many ways to explore this!

It also looked at how the special moments would go and be so intense but in his vision of "Daenerys, it would appear she may not always get those chances, or that time has given us even more events to see!

Martin goes on to give an even more powerful answer about how "Daenerys" special power. It really solidified it! He makes sure the point is clear! "Daenerys will likely "not" be able to do this over and over again." That leaves many wondering. How much will he alter those powerful, magic-driven moments.

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How "A Song of Ice and Fire" Daenerys Is Portrayed:

Daenerys with her baby dragons breathing fire at the House of the Undying in Game of Thrones Image

With all those exciting and amazing, big movie moments! There are "A Song of Ice and Fire", which "Martin" continues to put together. There is a distinct approach to the way the story unfolds.

The ending of "A Dance With Dragons", where Daenerys is in the middle of her incredible journey, will end with her facing those amazing flames and Drogon will be right beside her! You can see this whole theme will come together. There may not be another amazing scene. It could be a moment that we haven't seen.

In another really meaningful section of the story. Daenerys "experiences" the pain of the flames, so you get this full circle feeling about what could "The Unburnt", look like.

In other sections, and that was made clear with other Targaryen moments! Like "Jon Snow"! Even with a "half Targaryen" connection. You still get the sense that this special immunity isn't a guarantee.

The show is pretty interesting with these characters. A lot can be gleaned about how these characters make their marks.

  • There was "Viserys Targaryen". In the first series, he actually has molten gold poured onto his head! Not technically flames, but another type of heat. That had an unfortunate end.

The Story of the Tragedy At Summerhall:

Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen King's Landing in Game of Thrones Image

A major turning point, as some may call it, in this powerful story was the "Summerhall" disaster. This incredible place. Was a home for Targaryens.

It also saw some major death.

While it was the home of this iconic family, it was sadly also a place of great sadness. That came in the 1990s, It was thought to have occurred with "Pyromancers." It was quite the chaotic event.

  • We see the "Targaryens." try to bring these amazing dragons back into existence.
  • What went wrong? There's not an exact answer as many point to an effort to use a potion made with "wildfire." A force, that had a power in a destructive way.

Those of you who are dedicated Game of Thrones fans might just wonder what if "Summerhall had different results. That special moment is not really touched upon, however fans still wonder to this day as to what this event really is all about!

This really helps set a foundation that "Game of Thrones, and the books have a more grounded, gritty, and realistic approach when dealing with magic!

It turns out the series and "A Song of Ice and Fire" both had interesting ideas on how "Daenerys would be depicted, but there seems to be a real point. To these powerful fantasy, worlds! Those that might seem like super beings still have some weaknesses!

It's also true that a special scene can sometimes make all the difference!

What are your thoughts, do you think "Daenerys should have kept her immunity to fire in "A Song of Ice and Fire," or does that change how special she really is?

Fans can decide about how it plays out for those of us who were mesmerized and captivated, as we journeyed with Daenerys into all of those big adventures!

Whether you are a fan of the series or you just want a magical world, these moments and this series, makes for some compelling moments in entertainment!

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