The Futurama Title Card jokes are a classic part of the show's charm. They often serve as a self-aware commentary on the series' history and even poke fun at the current state of things. A recent title card in "The Temp" seemed to directly reference Hulu's risky decision to renew Futurama for multiple seasons after a rather lackluster return. It even goes as far as to say, “Sold by weight, not quality.”
Futurama has been given new life, returning for a Hulu revival, but it’s its second comeback after having been cancelled twice before. Despite this, fans are reunited with the beloved Futurama Characters and the classic humor that they love. It seems that fans are enjoying this latest revival.
Futurama Season 12 is being released in a steady schedule, on Hulu:
Despite past cancelations, the Futurama fanbase remains strong. Fans continue to enjoy the show and its humor. The latest Hulu revival has given fans new opportunities to appreciate Futurama's unique blend of sci-fi and comedy, further solidifying its impact.
While Hulu initially announced a two-season revival for Futurama, they surprised fans by ordering two more seasons shortly after, a bold move that is still under discussion. Some critics question whether this was a good idea due to the show’s quality having a clear decline during past seasons, particularly during the Comedy Central era. This was despite the finale successfully closing the series and leaving it with a satisfactory conclusion.
Some fans and critics are noticing a slight dip in Futurama's quality. While earlier seasons were beloved for their originality and fresh humor, more recent seasons have shown a slight drop, leaving viewers hoping that the new Hulu season can regain the spark that originally captured the hearts of its viewers.
Futurama can currently be found streaming on Hulu. It is a great resource for new and existing fans of the show, allowing them to experience the full scope of the show, its humor and its stories.