Prepare to discover an interesting twist in the life of Eric Forman from the beloved show That '90s Show, with the addition of his exciting job! It reveals an unexpected connection between Eric Forman and the world of Star Wars, and how the characters are shaped in the spin-off!
In That '90s Show part 3, Eric is confirmed to have taken an incredible job as a writer working for George Lucas Star Wars! He is set to work at Skywalker Ranch, writing a book that tells the story of the latest Star Wars movies!
Eric's love for Star Wars was hinted at in the original That '70s Show, when he even mentions it. That iconic first episode showed him enjoying the original Star Wars film! Over time, it became clear just how important Star Wars is to Eric, and it’s been part of his Star Wars obsession for many years!
That '90s Show shows off the funny dynamics between characters! His new job is important! In the storyline, it reveals that Eric was offered this Star Wars job because of his dedication. He is a passionate fan and knows so much about Star Wars that this job is seen as a "dream come true." The storyline plays with the contrast of his family life, especially when That '90s Show storyline explores if this move will impact Leia. Topher Grace That '90s Show brings the laughs, and gives great insight!
While it's been hinted that Eric's role in That '90s Show Netflix is a big deal for the show, and that fans might be able to see how it unfolds in That '90s Show part 4, we'll need to wait for future seasons! In the end of the series, Eric was supposed to move to California. Could this change affect other characters? Will Eric Forman That '90s Show storyline intertwine with That '90s Show season 2, That '90s Show season 3, or That '90s Show part 3? Stay tuned!
Eric’s Star Wars obsession played a key role in how That '70s Show characters related to him. It was often the topic of fun for That '70s Show audiences, and made viewers chuckle. This also set the foundation for his daughter's name: Leia Forman! She has a connection with Star Wars due to Eric's deep love of the franchise.
The newest episodes of That '90s Show Netflix are on Netflix now! Catch up with Eric's storyline, or even check out entertainment news, including articles about That '90s Show spoilers to get an early idea! Don't forget to explore the characters of the That '90s Show and the show itself!