Elon Musk 's been busy on X (formerly Twitter), and not just with memes. According to the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), his false and misleading claims about the 2024 US election have racked up over two billion views this year. The billionaire X owner, who endorsed Donald Trump back in July, has become a big voice in US politics. This analysis and news reporting across both tech and mainstream political news reporting detailed numerous topics from social media impact around such prominent, and by audience views as well as commentary also a pretty divisive - account like that of Mr. Musk to everything from topics from who an influential user might endorse to overall commentary.
He's not just tweeting either; Musk's also donated over $118 million to a pro-Trump super PAC and even hit the campaign trail in Pennsylvania for coverage on the Donald Trump side from another perspective than as social network content commentary itself. So while online discussions were intense from everything about user's take around "Elon" and/or or his opinions related to this intense topic to news reports about what tech and mainstream news itself even made about Mr. Musk himself (and all around social accounts) related views there too. Multiple facets for even similar subtopics there to unpack even around a single person like "Elon Musk" now as one sees from both online social talk and also all around the tech as well as more generally politically related articles, news analysis itself covering all.
Musk’s been posting tons of political messages on X , many backing Trump and right-wing narratives. Since endorsing him, Musk has earned over 17 billion views. CCDH reports even also how views there easily dwarfed most "traditional" political paid advertising overall also showing shift occurring for digital marketing reach now around influencer channels that is likely not temporary only.
The CCDH got their info from public data about both Musk's tweets along with publicly reported official campaigning dollars by campaign sites that included data even around X itself - and they report also of those "political ads" even, the X data on how many looks those ads earn! From all there then calculated values around actual "views" or equivalents against official political "paid ads".
Musk's been pushing the false narrative about democrats "importing voters" (undocumented immigrants supposedly), plus several debunked conspiracies, so its unlikely to pause if not cease.
Unsurprisingly, Musk isn't thrilled with CCDH - there have also been a few discussions around another group with another seemingly contradictory named mission called Project2028 that did many seemingly pro-Trump acts including reportedly making fake advertisements ostensibly around "Vice President Harris" too while many different outlets added even more complexity as several media reports noted how even Mr. Musk funds that mysterious seeming, conflicting "PAC" named outfit despite claiming pro-"Harris" seeming acts themselves causing more news pieces at even celebrity gossip as well mainstream outlets from multiple countries, not just within USA either all around numerous trending issues of late. And of these, multiple posts are about immigration topics - which Mr Musk has already been mentioned within those contexts already! Yet this gets even more news looks for "Elon Musk" even tangentially!
X has something called “Community Notes.” X says these little info snippets show "potential fraud and election issues.” The tech media already reported even recently from the recent election cycles about ways tech firms help voters find local help as well as related topics around voting itself including many digital and also just general local community based help groups which the local regions were highlighted too!
Turns out X's Community Notes feed often gets it wrong as well too also! One example, and highly "viewed" one, of purportedly “suspect postal delivery worker" who in actuality held legitimate roles like acting postmaster according to the county’s official too! Such information about individuals becomes especially important for everything there for even average postal staff who just also deliver the physical ballot related items - a part sometimes left unconsidered even around "digital" topics or elections despite remaining totally vital part there, in analog sense or any postal activities since it isn’t really separate entirely at every election event.
Many reports, news and social chatter show that often a tech platform itself remains vital part, sometimes forgotten, too about the physical locations' and election offices too and that social can amplify those too around numerous stories like this "2024" event cycle reporting shows from across a range like what voting in person looks like currently versus by digital and also absentee formats along with other ways for voter education, registration details - all from local authorities in any voter area.
Experts see troubling parallels between those anecdotes posted to this Musk "community" now and those “stop the steal” issues right after the earlier ‘20 election, despite numerous agencies whose remit covered those very exact scenarios also highlighting details all during the pre-, actual vote periods and any post- event activity about how even everyday "mail-in" voting is indeed entirely expected and secure - along with similar chatter then for all usual topics like the many kinds of ballots voters encounter, like "provisional ballot," regular ballots along with just "election officials'" helpful guidelines or instructions like in '20 which are also common across official entities from every local town voting office websites up across government official ones and also news reports from that '20 timeline now since several are very similarly presented and that is good news!