Movies News Talk

Elain Archeron's Untapped Potential in 'A Court of Thorns & Roses'

There’s always that one character in a book series who ends up overshadowed by the bigger characters! This seems to be the case with Elain Archeron, from Sarah J. Maas’s "A Court of Thorns & Roses"!

The Untapped Potential of Elain Archeron

While you might not know too much about this series, it's one of the hottest books around with a fanbase that's full of ACOTAR readers who are going to be thrilled about its television adaption that Hulu has released, and everyone seems to have different opinions on Elain Archeron, whether they are a fan of this character or not, one thing's for sure!

She hasn't gotten as much development compared to others. A little bit of an odd statement. For example, Nesta has been the subject of plenty of attention, with a special novel coming out about this powerful Fae warrior!

So it appears there are some secrets! And one big thing that Maas did, really set the stage for this character’s development. In the book, she brought out how kind Elain truly was. That seems to be what the majority of readers have seen from her.

Also Read: Why A Court of Silver Flames Is A Tough Read: Is It Nesta? The Narration?

An Overlooked Archeron Sister

Book-Cover's-of-A-Court-Of-Thorns-&-Roses-Series} Image

The truth is that she's really underutilized and could use so much more depth. And while fans love Feyre, a big star in the series, what could happen?

The television adaption might take a chance. Elain, with her love for nature and special gardening abilities might be ready for a super interesting storyline!

  • She has a soft, kind nature! And has some skills, but maybe those will evolve into something so cool!
  • If you have read the series, it shows a lot of hints and small teases that are scattered throughout the story, and those may come true in the newest ACOTAR book.

One point that might have caught some readers’ attention. Maas' book series might try to push readers towards more depth!

Also Read: A Court of Silver Flames: Did Maas Hurt Rhysand's Character?

The Show Has A Big Opportunity:

A Court of Thorns and Roses Book Cover Image

With Elain’s storyline. What might stand out in the show? It's time for some change! Elain might not get the full recognition that she deserves!

  • The series does a pretty amazing job of changing classic story structures!
  • With a strong focus on taking some great twists! For example, you will be able to see Elain’s abilities really begin to evolve and get that much deserved screen time
  • She’s not the youngest! In "A Court of Thorns & Roses."

You see Elain seems to be a little bit overshadowed. This is especially the case in her family. If there’s a chance for a little extra insight it may show us how a lot can happen if we really dive into her character’s story!

Also Read: A Court of Thorns & Roses: Will Hulu's Adaptation Live Up to the Hype?

Potential for Elain to Become Powerful:

Even though the new ACOTAR series does not have this specific focus on Elain and a full set of powerful storylines yet.

If Maas, goes down the road of continuing with her stories. This would mean that we will see these abilities evolve!

  • She gives Elain a bigger chance to really have her storytelling moments!
  • "A Court of Silver Flames" is about the powerful sister, Nesta!

The novel has an idea that the audience doesn't really get the true value of the character just yet. That will become clearer when Elain ventures off to other locations beyond Velaris.

In the series Maas talks a lot about the true value of her characters. She's not just making those statements! There are hints, that give everyone hope and wonder what will come to life.

So this truly looks to give us all a lot to ponder about! There is plenty more going on, but Maas did talk about all these extra amazing storylines coming together!

"A Court of Thorns & Roses, even more, will really become something truly special!

If you're a huge fan of Maas and love her works! You might see what this author is trying to bring about with her incredible, powerful, magical characters. You can even see this unfold in the "A Court of Thorns & Roses" television series, bringing the novels to life, right now. For everyone out there, give the television series a look to discover those magic moments and what they may look like, if we’re really in store for Elain's grand appearance, her true power, and a change in perception from those that may have thought "she’s too nice to have some interesting storytelling." The new series, on Hulu, has a fantastic, memorable journey as the new characters take to the screen, just like the novels.

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