Popular HBO prequel to Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon has enthralled viewers with its portrayal of the Targaryen civil war sometimes known as the Dance of the Dragons. This terrible conflict rocked the foundations of Westeros and caused many dragons to die; only a small number survived the fiery anarchy. Examining their roles in the Dance, their post-war lives, and the ultimate extinction of dragons in Westeros, this page explores the paths of these surviving dragons.
Four dragons—Sheepstealer, Cannibal, Silverwing, and Morning—were still alive by the time the Dance of the Dragons finished in 131 AC. These dragons stood for the declining legacy of the once-powerful Targaryen dragonlords, their presence a sobering reminder of the terrible force of the war.
Wild Dragons: Cannibal & Sheelsstealer
Both wild dragons, untamed and un ridden, Sheepstealer and Cannibal prowled Dragonstone. As its name implies, Sheepstealer was infamous for pilfering sheep from the nearby farms, evidence of its erratic character. In George R. R. Martin's "Fire and Blood," a dragonseed called Nettles tames Sheepstealer, so transforming into a vital friend for Rhaenyra Targaryen during the Dance. But the way the show presents Sheepstealer puts it in the Vale and eliminates Nettles from the narrative.
Conversely, Cannibal got its moniker from its macabre practice of eating dragon carcasses on Dragonstone. Though it stayed wild throughout the Dance, apparently unconcerned in engaging in the conflict, its ferocity and unruliness made it a force to be reckoned with.
Domesticated Dragons: Silverwing & Morning
Domesticated dragons, Silverwing and Morning rode by Targaryens or dragonseeds. Ulf White, a dragonseed teased in House of the Dragon season 2, mounted Silverwing. This dragon is supposed to be very important in the conflict and maybe fit Black alignment. Morning, on the other hand, emerged during the war most likely from one of the four eggs dispatched to the Vale in Season 2. In "Fire and Blood," another notable Targaryen family member rides Morning: Rhaena Targaryen.
Rhaena Targaryen and the Potential Combining of Nettles' Story
Fans have been debating the show's choice to cut Nettles from the narrative, so possibly combining her story with Rhaena Targaryen's. While some contend this change streamlines the narrative, others think it offers chances for fresh and interesting advancements. The future of these two dragon riders is yet unknown, thus fans are left to hypothesize about their part in the Dance.
The futures of the surviving dragons ranged from obscurity to a fleeting moment of glory. Along with Nettles, sheepstealer disappeared following the Dance; their last sighting was from a flight deep into the Mountains of the Moon in the Vale. Legends about a fire-witch and her dragon in the Vale point to some possible connection to these two.
The Fate of Cannibal and Silverwing
The cannibalistic dragon, Cannibal, vanished following the war and only surfaced momentarily at Corlys Velaryon's funeral. After Ulf White passed death, Silverwing went back to the wild and resided on a little island in Red Lake, a remote refuge in the Reach. Eventually, both dragons vanished from sight; their tales vanished with time.
The End of morning
The youngest of the surviving dragons, morning stayed with Rhaena until its death some between 136 AC and 153 AC. This signaled the end of a generation of dragons, so leaving a void in the Targaryen family and a sobering reminder of the war's long effects.
Game of Thrones proved that dragons vanished long before the series' events, which lends weight to the Dance of the Dragons' events. The loss of these amazing animals serves as a sobering reminder of the frailty of authority and the terrible results of war.
Death of the Last Dragon
In Westeros, the last dragon egg to hatch was 153 AC, a sickly and deformed being dead soon after birth. With only whispers of their former glory and a sense of loss, this event formally marked the extinction of dragons in Westeros.
Aegons III: Dragonbane
Rhaenyra and Daemon's son King Aegon III led during the last years of the dragons. He adopted the moniker "Dragonbane," a moving reminder of the end of an era, after dragons vanished during his rule.
The Dancing Legacy
For Westeros, The Dance of the Dragons had a profound effect. Once the most strong force in the domain, the Targaryen dynasty was undermined and split, rendering them open to next difficulties. The disappearance of the dragons marked the end of a magical age and left the realm in doubt, so opening the path for the events of Game of Thrones.
Though a sad turn of events in Targaryen history, the Dance of the Dragons was also a turning point in Westeros. The realm underwent great change and a new era began with the death of these magnificent animals, the emblems of Targaryen power. With its exploration of the complex web of relationships, power conflicts, and the legacy of the Targaryens and their dragons, House of the Dragon never fails to enthralls viewers with its narrative and ready to see how the story develops.