A new live-action Dragon Ball movie would be a massive undertaking and a welcome addition to Dragon Ball live-action, however, fans have opinions! Some have been hoping to see the Goku story brought to life, which could offer Dragon Ball fans a completely different experience.
Fans have questioned if they should be skipping some parts of the story, even going so far as to ask: "Should I skip chapters?" They are not sure what to expect and if it's really worth seeing how much will be cut for the live-action Dragon Ball movie.
If the live-action film is going to happen, it will be crucial to go through all of Dragon Ball history, or a Dragon Ball origin story. We should start from the beginning, and include all the important parts. There's a compelling Goku origin. Skipping anything important, such as Dragon Ball manga, would take away the foundations of the story, as the anime has expanded the lore and many of the Dragon Ball adaptations.
Beyond Dragon Ball manga and the original anime, there are numerous adaptations out there that show just how iconic the story really is. Fans will recall Dragon Ball anime, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball Super. You can look online for movie reviews for this content!
If you are unfamiliar, there's a whole lot to see when you dig into this franchise. Even watching a classic anime series or show, such as Dragon Ball Z, is a good idea, to be aware of Goku, but for those who have never watched anything in the franchise, it is very difficult to appreciate it fully. There are many more things in Dragon Ball history, Goku original manga story and details.
Live-action adaptations of a series can be difficult, as some viewers aren't too excited for this type of Dragon Ball movie adaptation. If a movie decides to just ignore story parts, or skip chapters in an attempt to condense and bring it into a Dragon Ball movie format, there might be problems with the reception.
While some are looking forward to a live-action Dragon Ball film, there is so much more ahead for Dragon Ball. You can find a great selection of Dragon Ball movie reviews or learn about Dragon Ball movie news, including any Dragon Ball movie adaptation coming in the future. This includes movies, TV shows, and more content that would make many Dragon Ball fans very happy.