“Dexter: Resurrection” is the new upcoming series on Showtime. It’s a direct continuation of “Dexter: New Blood” following the beloved character as he once again tries to navigate his existence as a killer. The newest series expands the well known story with a new spin as fans learn that Dexter Morgan did in fact survive.

Production Commencement

Production on the sequel series began this year. The show will make its debut on Paramount+ sometime in the summer this year. Michael C. Hall shared that production had officially started for the new season. This gave fans their first sign of all new content that would be coming soon.

Michael C Hall Confirmed Return

Hall shared he will be returning to the role he had previously stated he was only open to coming back for under certain situations. Also in this series he is once again an executive producer along with Scott Reynolds, Tony Hernandez, and Lilly Burns. The confirmation of Hall has brought great interest as the actor has always been well known for this very unique and complicated character portrayal.

Returning Cast Members

Along with Hall a few more of the series’ stars have been stated to return such as David Zayas as Angel Batista and Jack Alcott as Harrison Morgan. They will have major roles along with James Remar as Harry Morgan.

Roles and Storyline

The dynamic of having Dexter's friends family and father return help expand on a story that is familiar while making it complex with new factors that these characters bring to the series. How this dynamic will add to character and how the story moves from season one are still elements that fans are greatly interested in viewing.

Plot Details and Connections

Details for the “Dexter: Resurrection” plot are still hidden but many viewers saw key plot elements that showed how “New Blood” continued in the show that served as a prequel. Those who were viewers of “Dexter: Original Sin” received new insights that showed how he had survived being shot in the previous series.

How Dexter Survived

“Dexter: Original Sin” provided an opening scene that showed he was rushed to the hospital and recovered. Show runner Clyde Phillips teased that his blood loss had also slowed due to snow and cold weather conditions. In addition the series also reveals how he became exposed as a serial killer making him a fugitive to law enforcement and possibly putting him into new difficult circumstances.

New Challenges and Unpredictability

This new series will pick up with what could be viewed as new challenges that are unknown. Many have questioned if that could also include new or returning villains that have come to make things even more difficult for Dexter.

Setting and Location Details

The series will be set in New York City with filming taking place in locations such as Manhattan which are places familiar to all fans as the home of main plot of “New Blood”. Because the location of the filming has been revealed many fans and paparazzi are expected to take to these public places to document any part of production.

Speculation of Returning Characters

Fans continue to hold out hope for other actors such as Desmond Harrington as Joey Quinn even though there are no confirmations as of this time. These moments of speculation make the public more interested and allows them to hope to see their favorite players within a new and exciting context.

"Dexter" Franchise: Past, Present, Future

The story has made an evolution since the first initial series in 2006. Over the many different variations from past series’ to present the plot points create intrigue into future story telling.

Initial Series and “New Blood”

"Dexter" began in 2006 with 8 seasons of Michael C. Hall's interpretation. Then after several years “Dexter: New Blood” gave many elements and storylines a chance to be told. All of which still had people demanding more after what had appeared to be a tragic and decisive ending to all prior storylines.

“Dexter: Original Sin” a Prequel

The series released its prequel last month “Dexter: Original Sin” that starred another actor Patrick Gibson while Hall took on the narrator’s voice. The origin of the characters had become something viewers wished to see while also exploring a new avenue of creativity with their beloved character.

Looking Ahead

With so much activity being present in the series fans will now have something new to look forward to as summer comes closer with unique content that has already proven a hit with those who like darker character roles.

Key Takeaways

  • “Dexter: Resurrection” is confirmed with all new story telling, with a focus on what occurs directly after “Dexter: New Blood”.
  • Production has officially begun for the show, which will include most of the original cast to return in some format.
  • The story will explore familiar relationships but put a new light on events, making for more complicated and unique perspectives.
  • New elements of locations are added including the use of filming within areas of Manhattan and other new filming points throughout New York City.
  • Production of “Dexter” and its spin offs are adding more details with each new release making it an ever expanding storyline of an already interesting and dark character.