Throughout Dexter's eight seasons, the relationship between Dexter and Debra has been intriguing. Even after it was revealed in season 1 that Brian Moser, also known as The Ice Truck Killer, was Dexter's biological brother, Dexter opted to protect Debra Morgan, his adoptive sister, because the two had a deep brother-sister bond throughout their lives.
With the exception of the weird creative decision to try to have Debra and Dexter become romantically connected in Dexter season 7, the chemistry between Debra and Dexter has always been one of the series' finest features, thus bringing her back in New Blood was a wise move.
While Dexter was more subdued than the other characters in the series, he was highly loud and transparent to the viewer because to his regular voiceovers, and Debra was able to give both his character and the program a lot of personality. In New Blood, Debra returns to haunt and eventually advise Dexter, fully determined to preventing her murdering brother from repeating his previous mistakes, such as getting too close to his loved ones, which invariably results in them being wounded or dying.
One would assume that after all this time between the Dexter season 8 finale and the premiere of New Blood, Dexter would have changed for the better. As it turns out, Dexter is still unable to resist forging a relationship with Harrison, against Deb's wishes and better judgment.
Debra did a lot for Dexter in the original series. She served as a contrast to his gloomy and overly serious attitude and was Dexter's most consistent moral anchor throughout the series.
It's intriguing to see Debra still love and accept her brother despite learning about his "dark passenger" and Harry's code, and it's terrible to see her character's descent into complete chaos in the last season, culminating in her tragic death at the hands of Dexter in the finale. It was sensible to have Jennifer Carpenter, who played Debra, return in the sequel to replace Harry as Dexter's family and ghostly companion.
Debra was a loud-mouthed but no-nonsense counterpoint to Dexter's reticent and even awkward charm at times, making her a fan favorite character. Killing her off in the season 8 finale was one of the original series' most contentious moments, both because she was a beloved character and because it did not feel like an authentic resolution for her.
While there is some poetic justice in Debra becoming Dexter's final kill before attempting suicide, Debra deserved more than she received in the season 8 finale. Bringing her back in Dexter: New Blood was one of the sequel series' most successful moves.
It's intriguing to see Debra still love and accept her brother despite learning about his "dark passenger" and Harry's code, and it's terrible to see her character's descent into complete chaos in the last season, culminating in her tragic death at the hands of Dexter in the finale.
Fortunately for Harrison, he made it out of New Blood alive, but he ended up killing his father to guarantee his own survival. In this way, Debra gets what she wants, and Dexter finally faces his own death, even if it isn't the most successful and powerful conclusion for his character.