Why Did Brent Spiner Think Data Should Have a Cat?

Fans of Star Trek are surely familiar with Data, the android, often played by Brent Spiner - a major character in the TNG franchise. One of Data's iconic characteristics is his passion for cats - but more specifically his love for Spot the cat, an adorable cat that brought him so much joy.

While it seems as if Brent Spiner is a devoted cat lover. In fact, Spiner has expressed that he did not enjoy his time working with cats on set, often struggling to keep those cats in control - those fans who have tried Training a Cat know how challenging it can be - particularly since those characters have to follow specific directions, but Spiner had even proposed the idea of a cat, for Data - his character, because it served to add a unique dynamic that helped shape Data as someone who could care deeply and have affection - a major character development - especially for an android seeking to learn what it meant to be human.

How Does Data's Relationship With Spot Help Him Become More Human?

Although Data often makes an effort to be seen as an android, fans recognize he wants to be human, and he embraces human traits. A great example of how Data begins to learn those traits and becomes more like humans - his relationship with Spot the cat.

It's more than a simple bond that takes shape but also serves as a crucial element. The two were often seen together in various episodes throughout TNG. Spiner even joked that he was relieved to have gotten away from the cats during Star Trek: Generations (a film in the franchise) and had even expressed some difficulty working with them. He even composed a unique "Data Ode to Spot" in order to capture how important she was - showing his ability to be sensitive. The series made a push to highlight those emotions. He was known to go the extra mile to ensure Spot's comfort, showing he has compassion for those who depend on him and his desire to express himself in ways that would bring forth a stronger connection to human behavior and characteristics.

Is Data A Human?

Data was an android that made a constant effort to understand what it meant to be human - seeking to understand a range of emotions, thought, and the impact of those human characteristics that made him such a beloved character.

Even though he didn’t have human features or the capacity to feel emotions, Data embraced traits - in the series he even had to confront the presence of his evil brother Lore - who also appeared in Star Trek and often attempted to steal Data's life. Data even sought to understand how it meant to be human, through a number of means: seeking out knowledge of how humans interact, playing instruments, making a constant effort to express himself through art, and even going so far as to write poetry, but Data's fondness for Spot the cat helped reinforce just how much Data wanted to live more fully, with passion - and those actions gave those fans who watched the show a sense of what he was seeking - which added an interesting and unique dimension.

Who Else Has Loved Cats In Star Trek?

Spot, as the beloved Star Trek Cat is the only one that's appeared in the Star Trek franchise. It made its presence known with Data, and often stood as the mascot and companion for this iconic Star Trek character.

It has often been remarked how much other characters - specifically the android characters in the Star Trek universe have shown an affinity towards animals. However, a special focus has been given to Data and Spot, which has become one of the iconic, lasting friendships. There are also a handful of Star Trek Cats which have made an appearance. But those have been seen as part of an animal colony which includes a few cats (in a storyline, involving Data and those on the Enterprise - it highlights just how those animals often help contribute to the universe and serve as characters).

Who is Data's Brother?

While Data had an affection for Spot, his brother, Lore, (played by Brent Spiner) sought a different approach and path.

Those familiar with Star Trek recognize how much this sibling relationship was complicated - they had contrasting ideals and motivations, both attempting to figure out what it meant to be human - in an effort to establish their position in a society and their relationship. Data believed in the power of compassion and reasoning. But, in contrast to this, his brother Lore - driven by a desire for power and domination - served as a dangerous rival who made a concerted effort to prove that he could surpass his brother.

Does Spot the Cat Ever Get Lost In Space?

In Star Trek: The Next Generation, Spot - the iconic feline from Star Trek, had to endure the chaos that took place with a massive battle between the Enterprise (where Data resided as one of the crew), and a powerful antagonist - those seeking to take control.

While Data is known to have an affection for animals, particularly his companion Spot - she was often brought onto the ship and even traveled to other planets. Fans may remember those times when Data sought to protect her. During an early conflict on the ship - one which was close to becoming disastrous. In this sense, fans could even say that the iconic Data and Spot had to go on an incredible adventure that even went beyond Star Trek lore.