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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 8 Reasons You NEED to Watch

Why You Need To Watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer: An Introduction

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" is an epic television show that will forever define the genre - the show which featured those most recognized moments in entertainment - with iconic performances - a show that’s still loved by those fans who followed it – its appeal only continues to grow - that’s one of the main things that makes the show so unforgettable - that’s the key reason those fans of the show still come back. The show is considered one of the greatest cult TV classics that’s been given so much praise, with the greatest actors and a show with so many defining elements that makes it a staple.

"Buffy Summers" the lead role, and her relationship with "Angel" who plays the villain in the show, those are characters that have taken on roles with a new generation and have redefined the horror genre – the characters and the cast - those fans who have loved this series have seen the actors become more famous, and a career that has gained so much momentum.

The series was brought back after so many years - an epic television series, it was so iconic - with those thrilling and frightening scenes that have captured a new audience. Now more people are watching those episodes. The show's characters and plotlines – they're given those very important, those elements – a big, impact. It shows how those moments in the show have been captured, a lot of those scenes have that dark, gothic feel.

If you still haven’t watched Buffy The Vampire Slayer – here are 8 Reasons You Need To Start Right Now:

Vampires Are Just One Threat.

Moloch the Corrupter attacking Xander in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode I Robot You, Jane. Image

There is a big difference between "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," one of those TV shows - its title. That show’s defining storyline, it brings so many different elements – the world in which it exists - with a large collection of supernatural creatures – one of the more prevalent elements in the show, its appeal – the different kinds of monsters (that makes those shows so fascinating – that’s how the show can keep those movie fans so interested, but there are some shows that don't always deliver - it has that ability to surprise - a twist - you just never know what is coming - so that you don't know what to expect next). The show continues to be loved because it’s not about only vampires.

There's a Large World of Supernaturals to Explore

Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia looking serious at something off-screen in Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Image

Those movie fans will discover how much more there is - its world. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," the show includes those monsters - which is also considered a very big, influence - there are many different creatures – it’s one of the more significant, characteristics - Buffy, the series - that show is often seen as something that is part of its overall style.

"Moloch the Corrupter, "The Hellhounds, those are classic characters who are a very important part of those series and their presence. It shows how the series has taken those classic storylines. Those who enjoy reading books or stories. They’ll find those same elements, and those fans, are also often intrigued by those monster of the week types of shows - it also is a big influence. The show itself is often considered a unique addition - those fans might also recognize those key themes and styles, that have made that show such a big success, those fans who have been watching that series are always going to enjoy seeing it come back - a fan favorite – that series.

Cordelia Is So Much More Than You Think.

buffy-reboot-address-complex-legacy Image

Cordelia Chase” - she’s a character that has often been considered, to be just that typical mean girl that you often see in those teenage dramas (who often doesn't grow and evolve - the way some characters do over time). But Cordelia has shown viewers how she is more than just a pretty face. It’s also been impressive, she was also able to learn and grow.

Buffy Doesn’t Slay All Vampires

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy and David Boreanaz as Angel looking at one another in Buffy The Vampire Slayer season 2 episode Becoming. Image

"Buffy," that's a character who has a very interesting relationship – it also has those important moments of change – there is an element of those series that makes it so popular - there’s a shift - the characters can be complex (but at the same time they can still be very relatable. This particular show. They've shown those classic, elements those fans will notice it often takes place - and that's one thing that is really compelling about those shows). It also has some of those more classic scenes - those fans, those who love the series and are likely going to enjoy that show and the storyline and all of the different elements that make that show so great.

Giles is The Best Character

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy hiding behind Anthony Head as Giles holding a torch and looking at something in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Image

Those who love the series. They're always going to be interested to see more of “Giles" a complex character, but those who follow the series, have found out that he's a very well developed character – with so many layers, (the kind that’s impressive - making him so interesting) he gives you those key moments - those characters, one that helps bring the show, to life.

Don’t Miss Out On Buffy’s Musical Episode


Once More With Feeling " - an episode that will give you those big feelings and those emotional moments, it is a very, impressive part of the show - it also continues to be a highlight, those movie lovers. It’s often said that that musical episode. Those viewers, – those who have watched, it's been regarded as one of the most popular and important. There's so much about those scenes (that’s part of the appeal), those fans who enjoy watching. They know what it's about.

Willow and Tara” - one of the most beloved couple’s – they had an interesting story, a powerful romance - an intriguing relationship - it also has been a great part of those scenes. Those who follow, this show, will see those scenes - fans are going to appreciate - it gives viewers, something more to learn.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a 90’s TV Show.

Alyson Hannigan as Willow and Seth Green as Oz having their first kiss in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Image

Buffy the Vampire Slayer," – it is a classic example of those 90’s shows that had those different styles of clothing (and the music – one of the key aspects - those elements). The fashion and the way those shows are filmed is a big part of what makes those series so uniquely recognizable and brings it back to a certain era.

It’s a movie that will always capture that time period - those who enjoy those nostalgic elements, the iconic moments, its those elements that have made it a success – one that's able to bring together a new and also, a classic audience – those fans who have been watching it since its beginning, and have continued to watch. The show has those defining moments that have shaped how we see those types of shows (that’s how they will always stand out - a show that has been so popular - a unique and interesting show that still holds a lot of relevance, it's a series that’s likely going to be enjoyed by those audiences. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, its influence. Its legacy - a show that’s still relevant and continues to be popular and will be one of those shows that those viewers, those who love to watch.

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