In the chilling Breaking Bad box cutter scene - Gus Fring makes a quick, ruthless decision. The death of Victor Breaking Bad comes as a shock for viewers who had gotten accustomed to Gus Fring as a level-headed figure who often maintains a business-first mentality.
However, his execution of Victor Breaking Bad was meant to serve as a powerful message - both to the character’s henchman but, more importantly, as a warning to Walter White and Jesse Pinkman - those two men who served as a key component to Gus Fring’s meth operation. Even as those two characters had just carried out an act that was considered an act of rebellion. Gus killing Victor shows a calculated move - one that’s a warning, and that’s ultimately intended to create a balance - reminding those who work under him just how much power and control Gus Fring holds - a theme that would remain throughout Breaking Bad and, to an even larger degree, as those familiar with Better Call Saul ( the prequel) recognize that Gus Fring had always maintained a long history with violence and as a man with an exceptionally dark past, one which would always have major implications within this criminal world.
The motive for Gus killing Victor was multifaceted, a series of events that unfolded within the story of Breaking Bad.
The first key motivator was his connection to Gale Boetticher, Breaking Bad fans know that Walt had been trying to establish himself as the only chemist working for Gus, in a bid to protect his own life - however, a key part of this came about with Walt and Jesse having to kill Gale Boetticher - a series of events that also led to Victor Breaking Bad being seen in those surrounding circumstances. Gus Fring was not only determined to protect his business - his Breaking Bad drug empire had become a top priority - especially as his success came from the partnership of Walt and Jesse.
The death of Gale Boetticher, known for his talents in the production of meth. It was part of a plot that was designed to increase the profits of the Breaking Bad drug empire. As fans would know - there was always an undercurrent of fear and the knowledge that those working in this criminal enterprise always had to be wary, not only of the authorities - but even of those working under the main, overarching criminal organization. In Breaking Bad season 4, Walter White’s actions set into motion, those moments that led to a series of events where Gus Fring sought revenge.
It appears as if Gale was intended to take over production - one which could have led to Jesse Pinkman being left vulnerable as his partner, Walter, had been the only person with that knowledge. While this scheme failed to be carried out, it would later cause the death of Victor, whose actions in Breaking Bad were those of a man who could not control his actions. These would be ones that brought him into contact with the authorities and that put Gus Fring at risk.
While the characters Gus Fring and Lalo Salamanca had a tumultuous history that spanned throughout Better Call Saul, it's key to recognize those characteristics of both characters.
The rivalry between those two individuals served as the backdrop to their conflict, each representing a major player within those who were seeking control of the Breaking Bad drug empire. Both characters - Gus Fring who sought to establish order and dominance and, Lalo Salamanca - known for his ruthlessness, were always on a collision course as their strategies came into conflict. Despite their contrasting strategies, both had to acknowledge one another as worthy adversaries. Those following Better Call Saul know this struggle had the potential to become an all-out war. Those events that would shape how Gus Fring and Lalo Salamanca would carry out their actions, each being incredibly cunning - this was evident in the way that both used strategies that centered on violence - one of the major themes within those criminal worlds that appear within the show.
The success that Gus Fring achieved as one of the most significant players in the Breaking Bad world is one that often requires a series of factors. Gus Fring had an exceptional strategy - using a calm, composed persona that was intended to deflect suspicion from the authorities.
It's critical to remember that his history also contained acts of violence - it's not just the events that unfolded in Breaking Bad that highlight his ability as a criminal - but also his actions in Better Call Saul, showcasing the nature of his power - those tactics often designed to keep others under control, including those working under him as he meticulously strategized on how to bring those who might betray him down. There was no limit to his ambition - his focus was always to establish his business as a major force within this illegal world. Even as his success - Breaking Bad viewers were able to witness - came from his relentless and sometimes, vicious methods.
It seems as if Gus Fring has become a central character in those television series focused on crime or drug empires.
This has established just how important Gus Fring is - particularly when it comes to understanding those villains in popular entertainment. Those in Breaking Bad as well as Better Call Saul will remember how his ruthlessness is always in plain sight - those dark characteristics that are highlighted, make it difficult for anyone to ever underestimate this Gus Fring Breaking Bad villain - one that appears to have everything under control and a mind for complex strategies - to ensure his goals, his actions are executed with a cool calmness that has made it nearly impossible for many characters (especially Walter White, the show's protagonist) to unravel his scheme.