Movies News Talk

Balrogs: The Fiery Demons of Middle-earth - Lord of the Rings & Rings of Power

The Balrogs are creatures of immense power in Tolkien's universe. The show "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" has brought one to the big screen. This being has an incredible, terrifying, and unforgettable history. The newest show on Amazon Prime (which is set about 1,500 years before the events of The Lord of The Rings ) brings us some unforgettable history. But that history actually started even before "The Rings Of Power."

What Is A Balrog, And The Powerful Origin:

To understand these big baddies you have to know where they came from. The Balrog has existed since Eru Ilúvatar, or the ultimate God of Middle-earth created the universe! He created "The Ainur" a big group of characters, each with special, unique powers that came from The Valar!

But they weren't alone in the story! These characters had assistants and it is there that you will find out how Balrogs are truly created. There were Maia, like these otherworldly figures who had incredible power. However, it seemed there were bad ones. The first step to understanding the Balrog is realizing that they were once something quite the opposite. These special characters served "The Valar," powerful beings of good that kept Middle-earth as beautiful and strong as possible.

Also Read: Rings of Power: Sauron and Morgoth - The Biggest Difference

What Made Them Balrogs:

Sauron Mairon and Morgoth Melkon in Tolkien Lord of the Rings (1) Image

These beings served these powerful figures in an incredibly strong and unique way, and many decided they wanted something much different.

The Maia had so many choices.

  • They could go the good way like Gandalf! A powerful wizard who protects everyone from "Sauron."
  • A different wizard, one known as Saruman, was a "Maia, too.
  • A choice was also made for Radagast, a less popular but very interesting figure.
  • Then there were "The Blue Wizards"! A group who decided to fight and resist Morgoth.

They had these powerful options, but some took the Dark path and in a turn that fans love you have one of the greatest bad guys in all of Middle-earth- Sauron! It seems these choices can lead characters into many crazy and complex places! That's exactly what happened to Morgoth!

You might remember that Sauron is one of the top villain, but in this incredible story from Tolkien, it was Morgoth that really shook things up. He led a war against everyone. He was truly the "bad guy." "Morgoth" served as an early leader but was eventually taken down.

However, there were a few other Maia that also decided to do something really bad: they sided with "Morgoth!"! This decision made a big impact, as they joined with him. He twisted their very nature. This was a transformation. That’s why we got the truly powerful Balrogs.

It seems it was only "Morgoth," that was able to change these otherworldly Maia and their fate! Some Maia joined him to serve him by doing his bidding.

Also Read: Barrow-wights: The Scary Creatures From The Lord Of The Rings That Are Back In The Rings Of Power

The Balrog in The Lord of the Rings and The Rings of Power:

The Balrog of Morgoth confronts Gandalf the Grey in the Mines of Moria Image

A story about what happens when one of those beings decide to make their mark! One Balrog is known to most, and is a creature of legend!

The story is just one part of Middle-earth's history! We're reminded about how powerful they are, that their abilities have stood out to fans for years!

  • This legendary monster shows up as "Durin's Bane," who happens to clash in battle with Gandalf. This is one of the greatest battles to remember from the "Lord of The Rings" movie series! The monster hid in the depths of the earth in order to keep safe! It didn't emerge until some dwarfs were in their home and disrupted his slumber.
  • Another thing to note! While it seemed that Morgoth commanded the Balrogs and got their loyalty, after his reign was ended, the Balrogs dispersed.
  • One Balrog chose "The Misty Mountains". They all had special roles to play in the "Lord of The Rings."
  • That was almost 6,462 years! In The Lord of the Rings the story takes us through this great adventure with Frodo and company who have to venture deep underground.
Also Read: The Valar: Gods of Middle-earth in Lord of the Rings

How Powerful Are They?

Gandalf leading the way to Balin's tomb in Moria from The Lord of the Rings Image

While Balrogs may not have been around in The Hobbit, those who saw their actions are fully aware that these creatures have the power to do immense, unspeakable, horrific acts in a matter of moments!

The Balrogs truly bring a level of fOrce that is above all of those they come into contact with. Not only that, they have a wickedly scary skill as they possess amazing, wicked weapons:

  • One that's a flaming whip, making them hard to catch!
  • These creatures wield "flaming swords". That only adds more to this image of terrifying creatures.

It doesn't stop there. What's interesting is that these Balrogs have such insane strength that you might see them outdo even the biggest of "Orcs" and "Trolls." They are truly unstoppable! As these monstrous creatures are near indestructible. That may just remind some of what was done to those who tried to fight a "Balrog!"

It's not easy to kill this amazing being, so you know there's always that level of fear!

As you dive deeper into this amazing, fantastic tale it's easy to get lost and even remember some details of just how hard it is to end these being! Only death is able to bring one of these down.

Also Read: Sauron's Shapeshifting in 'The Rings of Power': Why The Change?

The Balrogs are Returning In The Rings of Power:

Durin's Bane of the Balrogs in Lord of the Rings Image

What really shook fans of this story? That's right- it happened in the recent season of "The Rings of Power." A huge event occurs where a Balrog has been woken up! And if that doesn't sound scary enough, they decided to do it more than once, adding to the tension that's going to have fans truly captivated and it's bound to give those watching the show a real dose of this amazing mythology. What happened was that a series of big events, a tragic outcome for a king. Durin III (one of the leaders who rules a nation of Dwarves) tried his hardest to stop this creature from wreaking havoc. But he did something much bigger to help stop it! It looks like this character sacrificed his life in order to protect everyone else in Middle-earth. Even though it's been slumbering in the past, fans will need to be on edge and aware! This was just one of the things that fans love most about this series!

Do Other Balrogs Exist?

Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power Season 2 Poster Showing Charlie Vickers as Sauron Image

For all of those who like a bit of intrigue, it seems the answers to this question is, it is highly probable! This really brings the idea to life and helps to push what the series, or how Tolkien was going to make sure that these were impactful beings! It's not about just having them. It's also that a whole army was behind these creatures!

A well-known Balrog was known as Gothmog, who also led a group of Balrogs. What made them stand out was the fact that these "Lord Balrogs," (that fought to protect their leader "Morgoth"), met a major defeat, as they lost the power to stop the battle. The very end came in the epic story of the Fall of Gondolin where the Elves truly vanquished these beings!

For all of us who want a bit more mystery, and those who enjoy reading "The Lord Of The Rings," may be looking forward to another, legendary story, because there could be another Balrog lurking in the depths of "Middle-earth."

It appears that if you want some excitement! There is always a chance that there is a new tale for these beings to re-emerge, perhaps, even from this story, you could get even more of these epic stories!

And that is truly a powerful reminder about what "The Rings of Power," will offer those who have just recently joined this massive, magical universe and those who have known it all along!

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