Movies News Talk

American Horror Story: Freak Show - The Brutal Twist That Changed Everything

The Brutal Shift In American Horror Story: Freak Show

American Horror Story is known to make a statement, that shows just how they can keep those viewers on the edge of their seats – they create a very interesting world, filled with horror stories that will leave viewers feeling scared, thrilled, and often a bit more compelled – that’s part of what makes those series so interesting.

Ryan Murphy's show continues to release more movies and its latest release was very well received - it’s been a show that has always made an impact on audiences, with each new installment - with its stories – it brings together a great group of actors, as viewers follow those movies and those actors, who are also very well-known in those other TV shows.

Introducing Season 4 of American Horror Story: Freak Show

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Freak Show – one of those series that often has those elements - with a great collection of characters, that’s what makes the show so entertaining. Its more recent release - this particular season - those who watch it are sure to enjoy it.

With Freak Show - it takes viewers into the world of a unique circus show that’s run by Elsa Mars (played by the very iconic Jessica Lange), a talented actress and one that those who follow the series are keen to watch her latest work.

A Show Filled With Uniquely Different Characters

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The series has also brought together some of the most interesting and compelling performers - that has also given viewers a chance to learn more about them.

  • Elsa Mars - (she’s a character with those memorable scenes and it also offers some different perspectives. She has a great amount of depth), those who have followed the series are familiar with that iconic role.

In Freak Show – Elsa is known for showing some compassion towards her “Freaks.” Her relationship – one that was featured in that movie - one that's been able to bring those viewers back - she is known for being sympathetic, and at times those scenes where she takes a very maternal role - towards a character like Ma Petite

A Dramatic Change Of Tone In The Show

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The season 4 ( one that fans might have noticed that there were those changes - this season was a bit more unique with its stories) one of those seasons that are filled with interesting events, that also might give those viewers more to watch and explore.

A Heartbreaking Story

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The story – one that takes viewers into that tragic situation of Ma Petite's death, the way that event impacted the season - was very compelling and made viewers feel a sense of sympathy. That scene, where it depicts those characters and how the story progresses, one that will give viewers a deeper understanding - it also offers a shift in how that season goes.

What Happened To Ma Petite In Freak Show?

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Ma Petite was a character that audiences liked, she had that innocence about her, but it is possible, that viewers might find this role very unique and those who have watched that movie are going to notice that, her story was not going to be an easy one (her future was going to be a difficult path) in the beginning the story took on a very optimistic feel -

However, when the story unfolds, it’s a little different. That’s when those viewers might discover those scenes - it's where things take a very unpredictable turn.

The show - it's full of so much potential. With the characters, its always a collection of people, who have had to survive and to overcome obstacles that are a part of their life (this is the reality of life), especially for those who are on the fringes - that's also something that's given to us - there’s that ability to show the beauty and strength, a person – that's a part of those characters’ storylines – they face a difficult task (and this will continue). It also brings in those themes of how people find a way to make it, – those those are the kinds of scenes, who are most vulnerable – its something that they will struggle with – they're often the most compelling - those stories often bring a lot of emotion, which makes the show even more entertaining (which fans are going to notice)

Who Was The Person Responsible For Killing Ma Petite?

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The key character ( that was introduced), its one of those characters that has been part of those shows, where they bring so much, depth to those stories. It’s Dell Toledo, – he played an interesting character. This role was given to Michael Chiklis ( an actor with those talents - he’s also well regarded in the entertainment world and known for some of those memorable roles - one that’s really able to carry the weight of a series).

Those fans who are familiar with this series are going to recognize the name of Dell, he was introduced as one of those strong characters who has those traits, who also brings some intensity and power to his roles in that movie and that makes this character so compelling. His struggles - were shown in that show - a character with so much strength - in the beginning. He often is viewed as being very strong and able to handle anything but when the story continues – its one of those things where viewers are forced to see how this character is going to react.

Stanley – another key character - a very complex one who's given a very distinct set of motivations that drives him (making his actions, in that show more compelling – it will leave viewers wondering) his storyline - that was a part of the show, a character that's seen so much success ( those who follow the series - they know how key his role is) and they will want to discover his relationship with those other characters.

Does The Death of Ma Petite Mark A Turning Point?

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With Ma Petite’s ( a character that's become very recognizable), it's clear that there is a great sense of sadness and a very powerful emotion – it takes a lot to lose a beloved character - one that’s been part of the show from the very beginning (who fans have become attached to and have been watching for a very long time - its one that's been there for those who have grown with the series as the characters have grown – making them one that's very well-known).

Ma Petite - one that’s known for those moments that will bring out those compelling emotional moments in viewers - with her role (the series continues to give fans those characters).

What Are Some Other Key Deaths In The Show That Had A Significant Impact On American Horror Story: Freak Show?

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American Horror Story - a show with a number of memorable events (in the show its not a show that’s always characterized, in a particular way), there is so much potential and so much that fans will discover as the show continues.

Why Was The Death of Ma Petite So Impactful?

Ma Petite was so unique, her presence in those scenes was so heartwarming, she was the heart of that circus, one that's been part of the family (with Elsa, one of those who’s very influential and often seen as having a special relationship - and that relationship with that other characters, and also a very key relationship that helped make that show a big success.

Ma Petite (a character that really stood out and had so much potential - viewers are going to want to see more of her), her death (was not an easy one to process) – it changed the course of the show, for viewers as the series continued to unfold, the show itself was a very dark show.

It also helped make that show, so much more intriguing.

This series - has continued to explore the different, themes, its a very interesting world with the show – it has had so much to offer. Those who watch it – they are keen to watch and see how the show’s season evolves and progresses and see what happens next. There are some exciting and compelling stories coming, and it has so many of those key elements that are able to grab the attention. It’s a show with those characters - those key relationships those moments of tension, horror and also that, little bit of humor - that's what makes those series, so entertaining.

Are There Any Other Deaths That Were Significant?

The deaths – that were shown in Freak Show were also very important and contributed to those key moments - which helped make this season, a big hit with viewers.

  • The death of Violet Harmon in the first season. It also showed the impact that death could have, – that event is very critical to those stories that are presented.
  • The death of Myrtle Snow in American Horror Story: Coven

Myrtle Snow - a character who’s known for her uniqueness and her ability to carry out those compelling and shocking actions. Her death was also very key in helping those viewers see how the story unfolds (the key scenes) those events, really contributed to that movie’s story, in a very emotional way.

Myrtle Snow - her story (as fans follow this series) her characters, and those scenes - those most memorable moments – she really is someone, with a passion for drama and that ability to carry on - that will make viewers want to follow those characters - that's part of what’s been able to make the show so popular

Those moviegoers have been captivated – those scenes - that's a part of what’s been so compelling for them - they will watch and discover more. They’ll want to know what happens in that universe – the series is packed with so many surprises and it does give those moviegoers more of that experience, and those moments. It also will make viewers want to learn more about those characters and its certainly been a hit – a show that has been loved and will continue to be one that’s followed, it also brings in those unique storylines and will always offer up something, new and surprising.

American Horror Story - a series that fans are eager to see what will happen - those who follow the series - they’re always looking for those new seasons. It will be interesting to see what is next for those who are following the show and what new characters we might see.

American Horror Story – those series fans who love those stories and the different characters, it will always bring that element of intrigue, but will it continue to be a successful show for those who follow those Ryan Murphy projects.

American Horror Story has had its ups and downs - those audiences - they are keen to see how this series will grow - especially with all those new characters and storylines - there’s a lot of potential in that show. It may become a show that's seen, so much more in terms of those big names in that genre and it will give those fans something new, it will add a lot of intrigue to those series. Those moviegoers will also have those, key events (that are really pivotal) that’s how the story moves, and also it’s important to know - what happens next, with those characters.

Ryan Murphy - one of those filmmakers who has worked on those hit series - including American Horror Story - with so many big shows, a producer who knows how to capture the imagination. Fans will be watching those stories and discovering those characters (a director who is always bringing in those compelling themes to his movies and they will continue to push those boundaries - that’s part of what makes those movies a success.

American Horror Story - those shows, they are so much fun to watch.

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