Fans of the popular series, "A Court of Thorns & Roses (ACOTAR)" were enthralled with "A Court of Silver Flames", a great book to read about the struggles of Nesta. However, for a book series to remain super powerful and interesting, authors have to be very deliberate! Especially for a popular series, you need to give audiences more than what they expect and continue to take on new adventures!
Fans who love these romantic and adventure books had a major shift with Nesta taking center stage and giving an honest look into a character struggling with depression and love as she went through her journeys. This took a major departure from earlier books that centered on Feyre, as the series main heroine. Sarah J. Maas, the series creator, took a fresh, brave approach! Yet, there's the question if it was executed a little too quickly. While Maas' efforts brought something fresh and showed the character from a perspective never seen before.
Nesta had the opportunity to shed some serious light on characters that the reader knows well!
There are plenty of criticisms for "A Court of Silver Flames," that can be categorized into a handful of things. While fans love the character of Nesta. Some things about her point of view really bring these issues out:
The real impact of this is Feyre, a character whose arc was super well defined and complex is portrayed negatively through the lens of Nesta.
While these were exciting to watch. It appears as if they left something to be desired and took on some questionable elements that changed the series.
To set up this specific moment. This story had its basis on the earlier novels! You can really appreciate how complex the plot is for fans.
Maas takes the time to share what makes Nesta's point of view a super difficult and complex, and challenging journey as she's navigating life and loss with such pain and anger!
This gave viewers a real insight into Rhysand's inner character but through Nesta. So instead of understanding how complex, his heart was.
The love and power that fans see between Feyre and Rhysand had the attention of so many viewers, they even took to calling the duo by a shorthand "Feysand." The main characters and their powerful dynamic is a major force within the series.
A big plot point that took place with the newest book A Court of Silver Flames and many readers felt it.
What did the author do next? The big issues at the end of A Court of Silver Flames that many felt was wrong, and left readers shocked was the fact that he didn't want to talk to Feyre about what the real dangers of her pregnancy were.
Rhysand did a couple of things that brought him even more negativity:
There are some incredible things that come out in this latest book. A sense of empathy, and also a deeper look at "Rhysand."
However, what "A Court of Silver Flames" gave readers was something incredibly negative and a lot of negativity is given about those, whose stories fans really got into and enjoyed.
Fans, and reviewers were quick to pick up on what this would mean! As they pointed to a couple of things! It wasn't right how this whole storyline played out it could end up creating a very hard situation in which audiences won't feel happy. In fact, that might even cause an upheaval with Rhysand's character!
This book series is very well loved and, what might happen? You never really know. But it's something worth remembering for sure! That if you are going to introduce characters like Nesta, in a way that is powerful and inspiring, to get her message out, that may mean taking things very slowly and balancing out these important details about those who are already established within the story!
"A Court of Silver Flames" might make Rhysand less heroic and it seemed some of this was in part because of this new introduction.
If anything, "A Court of Silver Flames should make Rhysand's flaws a lot more noticeable.
What does "A Court of Thorns and Roses" book 6 need? Well, to fix the negativity, a deeper sense of realism. There are a couple of ways to really correct this issue! If anything it seems a quiet character who is really good at observation would be the solution for readers!
Fans were rooting for more about Elain because of her unique skills as a "Seer" It seems, like all sisters they are all in their own separate worlds but the stories could also have some compelling events in the background.
It looks like that would be a real hit, giving fans so much more insight as "A Court of Thorns & Roses" enters a new phase and with some fantastic insight into Feyre, Rhysand, and all those great characters.