The Wicked in Concert special, aired on PBS, presented a unique take on the beloved musical. While not a traditional stage production, it offered a fresh perspective through reimagined musical arrangements performed by the American Pops Orchestra. The special attempted a careful balancing of elements previously seen and established across many different kinds of media, notably towards YouTube videos already showing some revised versions. Yet this combination may unfortunately prove less engaging than initially anticipated.
Many of the revised compositions did, however, present opportunities towards revisiting established favorite songs from Wicked. But what made this rather fascinating was that the unexpected reinterpretations presented several key moments for enhancing emotional impact and appeal towards a variety of specific audiences – a specific strength demonstrated throughout the overall production.
The cast of Wicked in Concert was brimming with established musical talents, featuring Broadway stars alongside some surprises and names you wouldn't initially associate with musical theatre ! That alone made for many diverse vocal interpretations which greatly appealed across different sections and tastes among the target audience. Amber Riley’s powerful rendition of “Defying Gravity” – on Lea Michele’s birthday no less! – added that brilliant layer of unexpected drama, enhancing this memorable performance significantly!
Adding to that amazing selection of performers; several veteran names added an impressive list of talents and artistic abilities! The performances alone showcased both expertise alongside fresh, uniquely compelling approaches to those songs familiar even to casual viewers who haven’t heard this specific music previously – several songs stand out more vividly through the sheer variety.
The American Pops Orchestra's reimagined arrangements were both a highlight and a point of contention. While some found the new orchestrations added significant fresh musical perspectives that hadn't previously been observed amongst the numerous other releases – those reimagining existing familiar pieces gave it a certain interesting fresh energy and artistic presentation! But that unusual combination with various previous YouTube adaptations may prove ultimately disappointing to those expecting something utterly distinct.
Some found the newer arrangements enhanced existing numbers – delivering fresh energy and providing novel musical aspects to beloved pieces – showing superb execution, and artistry amongst some members. But those unfamiliar with some of these pieces or those having developed already intense bonds and intimate attachments with other specific versions from many earlier productions such as on the official recordings might easily find these slightly disorienting; lacking a certain previously experienced impact from specific well-known pieces! It works remarkably well – even though it certainly feels unequal across numerous pieces presented.
While Wicked in Concert certainly delivered its share of delightful moments, several aspects left some viewers somewhat unsatisfied! Those expecting high levels of dramatic presentation styles usually displayed during the traditional live performances found some elements frustrating or possibly even disappointing.
For those whose primary joy stemmed from simply enjoying highly polished theatrical work might find this frustrating; the unusual lack of dramatic production value – specifically when compared towards the polished productions found during its original performances and even towards that highly praised earlier NBC broadcast of this musical – did leave several people disappointed. The sheer musical talent delivered did successfully overcome some potential concerns; however for some, certain moments and especially those lacking its typically superb staging may generate negative comments, showing an unfortunate and possibly unexpected divergence from high expectations set through previous presentations.
Several surprising elements worked remarkably well. Rita Moreno’s compelling and heartfelt performance as Madame Morrible showed remarkable acting abilities! Gabrielle Ruiz’ return to musical theatre was extremely welcome for many viewers already fans of the actress. Ali Stroker not only delivered a stellar performance – she brilliantly encapsulated why Wicked's musical score is so widely praised!
The inclusion of certain surprising names as part of this special production worked exceptionally well. Its incorporation towards building momentum across several key storylines within the larger plot presented gave the overall storyline additional elements that may never had otherwise considered during those other productions of Wicked which lacked such significant moments! Even unexpected guest appearances and contributions helped deliver numerous unexpectedly heartfelt and insightful interactions.
Ultimately, Wicked in Concert wasn't a straightforward recreation, but rather a new interpretation. It’s interesting, although potentially also disappointing when those aspects and particularly moments focusing towards developing emotional impact were uneven across many different segments! There's plenty to appreciate, even amidst various mixed reviews from different kinds of audiences – especially in recognizing certain unexpected brilliance featured during various different segments presented across the overall broadcast.
For long-time fans, it might not fulfill all expectations. Some parts fell short; those with high expectations from previous viewing sessions especially involving the official original productions and those involving major named singers; particularly those involved with more polished, bigger productions might have mixed feelings. But, for newcomers or those seeking fresh approaches towards experiencing the magic of Wicked – this offers a unique way of discovering and appreciating its already legendary score!