Kwak Jun-bin an individual known for his candid perspectives visited a local French restaurant for EBS1 television program titled "Kwak Jun-bin's World Knight Restaurant 3". This special episode was directed by Song Jun-seop airing during the afternoon of the 4th showcasing this culinary travel experience within France.
Kwak Jun-bin sought out the lone establishment during his visit ordering what they referred to as Jambonbør plus a milkshake to try their food. This food combination provides an opportunity to experience a popular French food. Kwak Jun-bin noted that “Jambon” meant ham and “Bör” translates as butter thus describing the filling. Kwak Jun-bin highlighted it seemed that they filled baguette with plenty of ham and butter along with copious amounts of basil herbs .
Kwak Jun-bin did say " the ham had a good taste however this flavor combination would not appeal to a thirty three year old person ” indicating the basil was excessive for personal taste in French food items. He even humorously stated " I’m going to get my pants wet while eating basil " expressing an extreme distaste for the flavor combination along with basil itself. The ensuing milkshake prompted Kwak Jun-bin to proclaim the beverage had no sugar adding that "I guess this is France" while continuing to drink down the tasteless beverage showcasing unfiltered perspectives during meal. This episode displayed food styles common within France from Kwak Jun-bin point of view .
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