Should you have been following Elite from the start, you should definitely check out the last season. Though the storyline and character relationships aren't as powerful as they were in the first few seasons, it does a good job of tying up some unresolved issues and providing the characters closure. Still, there's not really reason to go back if you abandoned the show after the original actors departed. Season 8's narrative is not strong enough to demand review.
The focus of elite season 8 is a fresh murder investigation set at Las Encinas, a private high school for privileged kids. Running the alumni association for Las Encinas, Emilia and Héctor Krawietz, a sibling team, actively participate in the plot and provide a lot of drama and suspense.
Elite season 8 mostly relies on the existing clichés and ideas from past seasons. The drama, while still present, isn't as compelling as it was in past seasons; the characters are caught in same patterns, the plot seems predictable. The show also mostly depends on fan service, resurrecting past characters who don't really contribute to the plot.
Though Elite season 8 isn't the best season the show has ever produced, it has many redeeming features. The season finale presents some closure for the characters and the plot, therefore helping to wrap up the series. Nadia's comeback to the show also gives viewers some fulfilling events and some emotional depth.
Lack of the same degree of mystery and surprise as past seasons is one of the main complaints of Elite season 8. Early on, one could fairly predict the killer's name; the drama seemed more forced and manufactured than in past seasons. The program suffers with its characters as well since many of them feel as like they are only going through the motions and have lost their original spark.
Look for other teen dramas with related themes by browsing series like "Riverdale," "Gossip Girl," or "Pretty Little Liars." These shows explore the challenges and mysteries of adolescence and share a similar dark and enigmatic tone.