High Potential , a TV show airing on ABC follows the life of a single mom that gets into crime solving through an unusual method of working alongside a "by-the-book" detective as the show highlights a new unique premise to audiences. With many positive reactions it seems that viewers are highly interested to see what is next.
The TV series focuses on Morgan, a single mother with high levels of intelligence who’s ability to solve crimes is her unique super power. This leads her to become a partner with Detective Karadec which highlights their unusual partnership together in crime solving and the blending of methods that they use.
Morgan brings in unconventional tactics of analysis while being highly gifted. Detective Karadec is a more straight-laced individual and this collaboration tests each character's normal method and allows a mix of thought. This makes the show intriguing for viewers who enjoy seeing different perspective work well together despite those many differences.
The main underlying plot is also to dive into what happened with Morgan’s ex husband which continues throughout season one, as each character's development is built on this storyline. Her family including her daughter are also deeply impacted by his disappearance creating a drive for both to learn the full truth.
While solving crimes with the department each new episode features a unique story. episode eight focuses on a mysterious young girl attack on a beach, while episode nine features the murder of a well known sports newscaster which keeps the series interesting as those are solved week by week. These main events add to character growth.
Beyond the main cases, interpersonal relations between each characters brings value to the show and create opportunities for growth as individuals. These relationships will shape and build how characters change throughout each episode which gives an ongoing storyline to follow in addition to weekly events.
Morgan has also started a connection with a character named Tom as a new romantic interest. Despite the new love interest they both seem to be pulled in different directions and make it hard to give it much focus with all the other happenings around them both. Tom offers stability in what would otherwise be chaotic for Morgan to balance as a new opportunity to navigate the personal dynamics that are not in other elements of her life.
Although Morgan and Karadec begin as a strict and unconventional pair they continue to develop a stronger more relatable and meaningful bond as time goes by which many fans find entertaining as the connection evolves between the two throughout all the episodes so far. The characters show growth in personal connections.
Kaitlin Olson stars as the leading character of Morgan, showing her natural charismatic persona, the main team includes Daniel Sunjata as Karadec, along with Judy Reyes, Javicia Leslie, Deniz Akdeniz, Amirah J, and Matthew Lamb who provide unique aspects which add value to the ensemble.
These characters along with others also play a vital part in building their own unique character journeys. This mix of various skills creates both emotional points of interests as well as compelling mysteries to solve together and give audiences much to observe week after week. The side characters provide insight for all.
High Potential can be seen on the ABC Network at 9 pm on Tuesday evenings for new episode premieres. Episodes of the show are available for next day streaming options through platforms like FuboTV, DirecTV Stream and Sling.
Many platforms are providing opportunity to stream the shows for viewers that might not have cable through promotional or trial based options which is good for creating access for those who wish to take in all content at their discretion as well as all budget requirements. These formats give options for all demographics of users with a wide variety of streaming choices.
As of this moment production has concluded on season 1 at a 13 episode total there are currently no words as to if the show will be picked up for a second season . But viewership continues to grow with each new airing so there is potential for it to have another season as a possibility. Many viewers are anxiously anticipating it's renewal status.
The series has received positive reception from the viewing audience along with high scores of interest online. This support demonstrates there is continued attention on each week of episodes giving the series promise if a second season would come to pass. Fans have expressed hope for the continued relationships between all of these diverse personalities.