Disney+ released the official trailer for the Marvel Animation series titled Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man on Sunday exciting both old fans and new viewers. The upcoming series provides a different spin on Peter Parker’s origins and how he develops into becoming a well established hero which includes some nods to comic books. The classic theme song “Spider-Man Spider-Man” written by Paul Francis Webster and Bob Harris that originated from the 1967 cartoon series appears in the newly released trailer bringing back nostalgic connection for some long time comic fans.
Trailer Highlights Peter Parker’s Humorous and Clumsy Beginnings in Spider-Man Origin Story
The Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man trailer shows Peter Parker voiced by Hudson Thomas as a typical clumsy student who is often late for school and gets hit by a car at beginning of story. In classroom settings Peter observes a crime and makes a somewhat awkward exit from the classroom. Peter while in a makeshift suit that looks comical deals with verbal attacks from local villains that ask if his costume appears ridiculous which leads Peter to begin his super hero journey with uncertainty.
Unexpected Alliance: Norman Osborn Takes On a Mentor Role For Spider-Man in this Animated Story
The trailer shows that Peter forms an unexpected relationship with Oscorp head Norman Osborn voiced by Colman Domingo who in the comics is Spider-Man's foe Green Goblin. Osborn offers Peter mentorship for his hero development offering him a much improved costume. This new mentor for Spider-Man differs strongly from the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies when Tony Stark takes on this role with an upgraded suit for Peter which adds complexity for the narrative with many wondering where things are going next. Peter displays feelings of duty acknowledging that the power was intended for the purposes of helping and defending innocent people. The trailer then ends by switching scenes to when Peter becomes his high school student persona being reprimanded by his teacher adding humor and dimension to Spider-Man narrative.
Second Season In Development And New Animated Series set to Premiere On Disney+ January 29
The series which has a second season already is scheduled for its streaming debut on Disney+ January 29 showcasing Disney’s great confidence for the production. The Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man cast also contains Eugene Byrd Grace Song Zeno Robinson Hugh Dancy and Charlie Cox all bringing life into the world of this animated tale. Jeff Trammell works as lead writer and Mel Zwyer as supervising director with executive producers such as Brad Winderbaum Kevin Feige Louis D’Esposito Dana Vasquez-Eberhardt and Jeff Trammell. Disney shows their support behind a diverse and experienced animation team that will bring the animated adventure to life and ready for the enjoyment of many.
Nods To Classic Comics and Themes in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Creates Unique Feel
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man embraces visual styles of early comic book art as opposed to live action style that has appeared recently with other Marvel properties creating its own specific feel. By using comic inspired elements Disney hopes the series connects with dedicated audiences of the spider man universe across many generations. This blending of new stories with nostalgic elements might just help this upcoming show set itself apart from many other superhero shows on other streaming platforms including Disney Plus.