Why Did Wilson Cruz Miss Filming The Star Trek: Discovery Finale Epilogue?

Wilson Cruz, well known for playing Dr. Hugh Culber in Star Trek: Discovery, was unfortunately absent in the epilogue for the Star Trek Discovery series finale, but did appear in the show's coda. Here are some of the details!

Was Wilson Cruz Absent from the Entire Finale?

While Wilson Cruz did appear in the final episodes of Star Trek Discovery season 5, the actor's filming commitment for Mother of the Bride in Thailand, forced him to skip the epilogue of Star Trek Discovery season 5.

Was There a Problem With Star Trek: Discovery Filming?

Even though he wasn't present, the Star Trek Discovery team was still able to find a way to incorporate Dr. Hugh Culber into the scene through the wonders of TV special effects. Wilson Cruz has been quite active in his career with different television roles! It sounds like he was quite committed to the Netflix film!

Why Did Wilson Cruz Miss Filming the Finale Epilogue?

It seems scheduling conflicts made it impossible to shoot scenes for the Star Trek Discovery finale while he was in Thailand. He said it was "impossible" for him to be present.

What About The Dr. Hugh Culber Character?

Fans were delighted to see Culber in the Star Trek Discovery finale coda. Dr. Hugh Culber was a fan-favorite character throughout the Star Trek: Discovery show, even with his heartbreaking death and later "resurrection" in a previous season. It's an exciting part of his Dr. Hugh Culber story in the show!

Can I Expect to See More of Dr. Hugh Culber?

We are uncertain of Dr. Hugh Culber return. It will be an exciting event if this popular character from the Star Trek: Discovery series continues to make appearances. Wilson Cruz confirmed that he is available to continue as Dr. Hugh Culber character. Even if he's a bit busy, he's "open" to working on Star Trek: Starfleet Academy.

Can I Watch More Star Trek: Discovery Episodes?

Make sure to catch every Star Trek: Discovery episode by checking out Star Trek Discovery streaming services. Be on the lookout for updates on any new spinoff Star Trek: Starfleet Academy projects with Starfleet Academy actors! The series could potentially provide a lot more details surrounding Culber and the many other beloved Star Trek Discovery characters from Star Trek: Discovery's conclusion. If you have time, it might also be interesting to revisit some Star Trek Discovery reviews of what made this such a beloved addition to the Star Trek universe.