The iconic video game series Tomb Raider has seen several movie and television adaptations, but none have truly captured the magic of the games...until now?! Netflix is launching an exciting new animated series called Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft and has fans talking!
A New Tomb Raider Series
This animated series, is the fourth screen adaptation and has some cool aspects that will excite fans. First off, it has Hayley Atwell (from the MCU) playing the iconic Lara Croft, and is connected to Crystal Dynamics' reboot trilogy of games.
It follows a young Lara and sends her off to exciting locations as she's trying to find a powerful artifact.
The show marks a new moment in time as it's the very first adaptation in six years and came out just in time to be reviewed!
Rotten Tomatoes Scores
It seems Rotten Tomatoes gave Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft some fantastic reviews. The animated show is sitting pretty, getting a 67% rating. A lot of this shows what many have thought about this show, that this was the best version ever.
But even more remarkable, this made it a first. Getting the title as being the best ever Tomb Raider movie.
Audiences might not be completely on board with the amazing ratings from the critics though!
It looks like fans were giving it 54% at the time of review.
How Does It Compare To Other Tomb Raiders?
While this was exciting, let's check it against the original versions that set the bar.
- Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)- Only 20% from critics, 47% from audiences, but $274.7 Million at the box office!
- Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003) -24% with critics, 44% with the audiences, made $160.1 Million at the box office.
- Tomb Raider (2018)- 52% from critics and 55% from the audience.
It appears that both critics and audiences really did prefer this newest adaptation.
What Makes The Legend of Lara Croft So Good:
While Netflix didn't quite have it showing up as the big hit on its streaming platforms, critics and audiences really saw what the series is offering.
This special, awesome version has many great points for fans of Tomb Raider. It’s got all the fast paced adventures that will surely impress fans with how intense this series is.
- The visuals alone were spectacular!
- Atwell has an awesome portrayal of Lara Croft.
- You've even got great Easter Eggs to discover.
The new animated show even looks to set a new bar!
But some parts left fans wanting more.
- Some say it could have pushed things beyond that safe zone.
However, those elements, aren't quite enough to throw shade at the show! It set some new heights!
A New Standard for Tomb Raider
While it had a great impact! The critics and ratings of Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft show just how impactful the latest Tomb Raider series truly was.
Some parts of the story bring this into perspective and remind fans just how connected to Lara Croft, that show is!
The special moment brings to life what Tomb Raider is supposed to be and if anyone wants to get inspired to try out something new in the realm of Tomb Raider adaptations. Even the upcoming adaptation by Phoebe Waller-Bridge might learn something here!
This exciting new animated series, sets a precedent for the many projects, including future films and series that try to capture what Tomb Raider means to audiences.